Nearly every where I look I can see the effects of the lack of love. As the previous post had discussed, most humans do not understand the genuine meaning of love, for most here have only been subjected to conditional love. Whenever I meditate on the nature of Divine Love, my whole nervous system hums at a peaceful, calm vibration that nothing in this material realm could ever come close to. Sure, there are some souls here, who have Great Love, who live in humility, and gentleness, but also have the integrity to kick your ass when necessary. This is most certainly not done in a physical manner....Love is the fulfillment of the law, and if you find yourself in violation of natural law, as the majority on this planet are (being in bondage/slavery by Karma), Love will correct you. Depending on how far you have fallen, and irregardless of whether the means to your fall was conscious or not, Love will determine if that ass kicking looks like the first thirty minutes of Saving Private Ryan, or a gentle admonition from a soul like Mother Teresa of "Now, now, will you please play nice with the human race........."
I truly know what Jesus meant when he said, "Oh people how long shall I be with you?" The stubbornness of this race is immense and the level to which the spirit has been corrupted has reached epic heights. Satan has been running around here believing this was his personal energy smorgasbord, for him to harvest from whenever he feels like it. However, I bring good news. The global level of integrity, and the acceptance and turning towards truth now, is what is ushering in a brand new paradigm, founded in genuine, authentic Love that will purify this beautiful planet. Whereas in the days that beautiful souls such as John Lennon, Martin Luther King and Dr. Max Gerson, who were doing truthful, meaningful work to elevate humanity were sought out and killed, this cannot happen today. THE VIBRATION HERE IS NOT GOING TO ALLOW IT.
Oh, yes. I can hear the laughing and response of satan now, being the coward that it is. It sounds very much like those who service the self and the Ego. Who define themselves by the material things they have obtained, by the titles placed on them by man, all of which provide only a superficial false light that will ensnare one even more. Can you not see how many have sold their own soul? I personally could not care less. What will always matter, to God and to me, is how much genuine Love do you have? If it is not to be found within a soul, then stand back and wait for the ass kicking specially created for your experience. I may bring the pop corn and watch the show, since I personally have had enough of my own ass kicking and now do all I am conscious of doing to align with Natural Law.
Now doesn't it make more sense as to WHY satan would hate love so much? Because it will hold him accountable. Oh yes. Satan has so many, many weaknesses.
Since I fell down the rabbit hole, my life got much more interesting. I am led to all kinds of information and am blessed to accurately discern truth from lies. I am thankful for the work of others like David Icke, Steven Quayle, Alex Jones, Jason A., Lisa Haven ect. But I do need to get the following out:
In case there is any confusion for a reader of this blog, please make NO MISTAKE that I wholeheartedly serve God, Love and Truth. I believe in Jesus Christ as the living message of what real, Divine Authority can do for a soul. I do not, however, need to label myself with anything to designate this. By that I mean, Baptist, Christian, Muslim, Holy Rock Worshipper. You get the idea. All these labels separate which defeat the bigger purpose of unity. Furthermore, I cannot tell you how utterly tired I am of hearing some refer to "Divine Protection" as coming from the "Blood of Jesus". Are you kidding me? Seriously people. Over and over there are some souls, who are doing wonderful work, and yet they keep repeating over and over "Well thank God Jim that I am covered in the blood of Jesus and will be saved from all of this destruction that is upon the Earth and blah, blah, blah....." Rarely do I fully hear whatever may come after that, unless I can rewind, as now my mind is flashing to pictures from the movie of "Carrie" when she is covered in blood. To get this point across accurately, one need not to resort to this horror show imaging. It's not helpful. Here is how I would put it:
The only genuine protection you will ever have, where even though five thousand may fall at your right hand and ten at your left you will not be touched is described below. When you fully understand this, you will know that your protection does not come from your family, the police, the government, the military or any other living soul except through your proper application of natural law.
What if you consider the following: instead of resorting to the whole horror show imaging as described above, just turn to hearing the MESSAGE Jesus was throwing at you, which is FORGIVE IT ALL. This comes from the application of self love. Jesus knew that there was absolutely no need to harbor any ill will towards any other soul, as he understood the LORD and that it will go out according to your forgiveness and make all your crooked places straight. No need for you to resort to serving the personality, ego and fear. Just FORGIVE and let the LORD do the work for you.
I cannot tell you how many years I suffered greatly because of my failure to do this. I hurt and felt injustice and everywhere I turned there were bigger and bigger things that I needed to forgive. There were times when I did not care if I woke up in the morning many years ago and I most certainly did not want to feel the pain, profound grief and sadness. Truth hurt too much at that time for me. However when I asked God to explain to me how I may understand so that things do not look so out of control and hopeless this is the information that he led me to. It is a HUGE understatement to say that Letting Go is not one of my finer qualities, at least until the last decade or so. But that is what the teaching of this wonderful soul was saying. "You can let go Ruth, because the Lord has got your back. Stop allowing your precious energy to be mined and start conserving it for the works and service of God."
I wish you a very peaceful week. I love you.