Thursday, April 30, 2015

There is Nowhere Left to Run Except Inside Yourself

Industrial civilization is coming to an end.  Sadly, it has turned much of the human population into money grabbing robots who have little concern for the cause and effect of their choices and their chief impetus has been "how can I earn more."  More....more......more....more.....more.  When is enough finally enough?  When will you have enough to then start genuinely caring about others, instead of partaking in all this selfishness?  Souls are very sick here, and they have been further capitalized off of by the feeding their egos, the false self, to make them feel worthy.  Worthiness can only ever come from within.  Until then, you will be playing this draining game of seeking your worth from outside yourself until either you are dead or you decide to change your perspective.  

What the harvesting and use of fossil fuels have done to this planet not many care to research nor find the truth of the matter.  If you have found this blog, then I have no doubt you have aligned up with truth.  The truth of the matter is that they have killed Mother Earth.  Guy Mcpherson has done this work already and is very accurate in his assessment of this dire situation.  As he states, "Earth is on Hospice."  I have felt this for a long time, even before coming across his work.  I will be adding a video post from another wonderful person who took her own personal time to create a very well constructed work on what man made global pollution has done to the Artic, and how very soon we shall be reaping what we have sown.  There are gigatons of methane just waiting to come out of the frozen ice and kick our ass back to realizing that EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED, and that there are major consequences to our choices.

It is interesting how humans have thought that they could outwit nature.  What this really means is that they have been compensating, but not really getting the true gist that they need to stop being so damn greedy.  Stop making everything about money and start caring about ALL LIVING THINGS and aligning back with Nature.

I actually feel that the animals are much smarter than us.  They live according to Nature's Plan, in harmony with what is around them.  They leave no trashy footprint like humans do, so when they are done with what ever food they are eating it is given back to the Earth to decompose and add nutrients to the soil.  They fertilize with their droppings.  They are rarely sick ( I am not speaking of your pets, which are civilized as much as humans and therefore take on the same disharmonious states as what energies they are around). Great danger, struggle and striving comes to those who live far away from Nature.  

Just look at our current food conditions: I actually consider it an insult to humanity, for it is not food.  And then because food could not be grown quickly enough all kinds of evil came in like monsanto (monsatan) and round up ready crops and food FORCED to grow out of its season.  

Nothing lasts that has been achieved through force.  

When the last tree has been cut down, 
the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, 
you will then know that you cannot eat money.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and yet how many have no idea what that means.  They look around, and label events as random and coincidental, and fail to acknowledge their own contributions to the dire situation.  However, the Lord always has the final say, and very soon we shall see the day of the Lord here.  To many it is going to look catastrophic.  To others who have a perfect perspective will see it as the result of cause and effect and human unconsciousness. 

Personally, I am willing and ready to face what is coming, for I know WHO I belong to, and have no fear for the soul is eternal and goes on.  

References for Healing and coping in the coming times:

Work by Paul R. Ehrlich PhD
Work by Carolyn Baker, PhD
Book: The Second Coming of Christ The Ressurection of the Christ With You:Paramahansa Yogananda

Now is the time to stop and find what is SACRED.  Your soul is counting on you.

You are greatly loved.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's All Just so Temporary

From the time we enter onto this planet we begin our descent to death.  For some, that could take a hundred years, for other mere seconds.  Irregardless of either circumstance, it is the quality of those precious moments, whether they are decades or seconds that matter more than the quantity of time.  Time is an illusion anyway.  When I used to teach a meditation program in a prison near me, one of my students put it this way:

Time is a man made creation and then we just spend the rest of our lives chasing it.

So, then it is not the amount of time that gives anything more meaning.  Let me use a life example of my own to explain:

I have two boys, and both of them have had their challenges in various ways.  My youngest has a brain tumor and I cannot tell you how much I fought against this....ignorance physicians, a very sick child, lack of attention to alternative therapies by traditional modalities, ecetera.  It nearly ended my life, because I was not mindful of how to stay balanced in such an extreme test of love, and preserve my own energy while advocating gracefully for my child.  In all, I tried to control everything, because all the ignorance made me very angry and I kept thinking if I just fight harder my son and I will win.  This drained me.  Every millisecond felt like an eternity and all I did was suffer.  In the back of my mind was always the thought , "we will get through this and you will live a long life and all will be well."  In essence, what I wanted was more time with him here on Earth.  I personally feel now that this was out of fear and selfishness, for I truly know now that life does not ever end and as I had wrote in a previous post when I was at my lowest point I asked God to tell me how my human mind could accept his death, if that is what was to be.  I heard very clearly:

"Nothing, not even death, can destroy the bond of love."   

So really, more time was not the matter, but rather authentically loving him enough so that when death does arrive, as it does for all of us, I would grieve, but know that there honestly was not any way I could have loved him more.  There has been great freedom in my realizing this, but it took great suffering to arrive at this understanding.  

Society has been so conditioned to think more is always better.  It is a false perception that is filling a void that should and can only be adequately filled with the love of God.  All else is compensation for it.  Little by little, if you don't remain true to your own soul, lesser energies come in and try to take over until you are so distracted, sick and disillusioned that you may give up caring at all.  Just look around you and see all the compensation people are partaking in: brand name this, high society that, bigger homes, bigger cars, classy location to reside in, you get the idea.  I can usually tell how little one thinks of themselves by how much compensation they are partaking in.  The less genuine love one has inside, the more they are turned towards the outer world which can and never will fill that void.

All of those things I just mentioned are also so transient, and can be taken from one in a flash.  Then who are they, without their things?  What then gives their lives meaning?

With all the Earth changes that are coming, time is now irrelevant.  It is now wise to make every single moment have meaning by filling it with genuine love, so that when the changes come, you could not have loved yourself or others any more.  Then you will realize the great freedom in LETTING GO.  I admit this was not one of my finer points, but after suffering enough to sincerely want to change my perspective, I can now see that the more I let go, the more grace I have. 

May you all have a peacefully filled week of letting go of all that binds you!

You are loved.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Connection to Spirit

Many years ago, when I was still in the prison of a horrible, horrible marriage, I had reconnected to my love of God through meditation.  This did not make the beast that I was married to happy at all and I started to recognize fear on his face.  At the time, I was going through so many extremely difficult challenges, and I did not reflect on what would be causing this in him.  Only years later did I recognize that those who are in service to satan, as being the cowards that they are, hide in the light of God and attempt to feed off of that light for as long as they can, for they know that the deeds they partake in do not generate any energy that is worthy of sustaining life.  They project false images that so many easily deceived, hypnotized and naïve folk buy into, since they are not of a sovereign mind, do not question things, and usually have great amounts of self doubt and unworthiness (which quite frankly is how satan gets his hooks in.).  They feed off of that light by keep one in fear, guilt, shame, humiliation and unforgiveness. 


Oh, but there are so many who don't want you to know this because it would not end well for them if the majority of folks found this out. 

And there in became my impetus to file for my own divorce by learning how to do so in a library.  The deceit that was projected by this ex husband to most of those I had to have contact with was amazing and he deserves an academy award for all his efforts.  He shall only receive the rewards of man, as in the scripture "verily I say unto you that they have their reward."  I feel no need to explain myself to any of them and if they choose to believe in lies, rather than making an informed, sovereign decision themselves well then they have much deeper concerns and maybe they should be doing their own work rather than offering up any judgment of me (or anyone else for that matter) based on an incomplete picture of the whole story which only leads to a prison of misperception.

So many are living in prisons of misperception today, and are offering up judgment based upon lies.   

It was so worth everything I went through though because now I am sovereign and committed completely to God.  It would be a HUGE understatement to say that any of this was an easy road.  But I can say that once I have reached the other side, what I feel is THE PROMISED LAND, because I am living in love, truth and devotion to God now which is where I rightfully belong.  Our most precious resource is not fossil fuels (which are killing this planet by the way) but our ability to have conscious, independent thought, as well as discerning lies from truth. 

All of this is an extremely condensed version of my life in hell, which had been going on since my entrance onto this planet. 

So one day, prior to my divorce, I was vacuuming and praising God.  I was feeling such gratitude from knowing that after years of suffering neglect, emotional abuse and pain, I was truly loved and adored by Him (I choose this gender only out of convenience, for God is ALL), and stated to him that if I had to I would die for Him.  This was a statement made out of my genuine love of God, not some feeling of needing to die.  What happened next has changed my whole life and even as I type this out for you, I am getting goose bumps again, which are my truth meter telling me that we are in full on truth.

I heard, very clearly, in my right ear, "I would rather you live for me."  OH. MY. GOD.

I don't know how I didn't faint.  I had been communicating with Spirit for a long time, but there were long moments of my life where I had become distracted and disconnected and had severed that connection.  But here it was again, LOUD AND CLEAR. 

Then I heard, "You will live so others shall learn." 

I had no idea what was meant by that, until now.  There are things going on here that most never see.  Nothing is as it really seems and if you are not outraged then you are probably not awake.  I am here to share, through writing, all that I have been made aware of over the years.  What you do with that information is up to you.  No one will force you to believe it.  But at least I am finally living my purpose and being true to my own soul by putting the information out there so that others can be led to it when they are ready. 

If you are here, then you should know that we are going to fall down the rabbit hole together, and it is not always going to be easy, but if you are willing to do the work, your soul will thank you.  You came upon this information because you were ready for it.  I do not claim to have it all figured out, for no one soul has that ability; we all only offer pieces to a much larger puzzle.  So in between writing the book I am working on, I shall share some insights that have come to me over the years with the genuine hope that you too will find your own way to transcend all the ignorance and become a warrior in genuine light, and being true to your soul. 

Have a blessed week my Friends.  You are greatly Loved!   

Monday, April 6, 2015

Consider this

I was journaling this morning and some information came to me that I thought I would share for your consideration. 

To give you a little background, I had to do a thesis paper on the Holocaust many years ago, and it gave me nightmares.  From the research I had done, the pictures I had seen and the truth of the fact that satan is real and demons are operating through people hit me hard.  The pictures of the starving children, some placed in piles from having expired or close to it deeply affected me.  Victor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning is profound inspiration after having endured the hell.  The statement on an entrance to a camp says "Work makes you Free" is a horrendous attribute to the evil that promotes slavery of souls.  I have not even begun to mention the horrors of the medical experiments, how they made lampshades out of human skin, and injected eyes in an effort to find the perfect shade of blue.  Twins suffered horribly.  Eugenics was a huge player in this whole disturbing thing.

I find it very hard to imagine how others who followed orders of this evil thing.  How could any soul believe that the forced suffering of another living thing is ok?  But then I remember, there is an energy here, that adores the suffering of others, because it feeds off of it.  Unable to generate their own energy, they do all they can to promote suffering, fear, pain, ect to create the energetic buffet that sustains them.  This is otherwise known as FEEDING THE BEAST.  Interestingly enough, they look human, but are energetically nothing of the sort.  "Take heed lest no one deceive you" are wise words that will only contribute to your being awake and aware and in protection, for they FLEE from truth and love.

The days of the old testament have also not been transcended, for those days lived with the need for sacrifice.  Now it is legalized sacrifice to send off souls to war and this has been brainwashed into the majority of the minds on this planet that it is a "honorable thing" to do.  Negative.  It's foolish.  I personally would not ever ask another soul to put his/her life before mine.  I hold myself accountable in living a life of truth and integrity so that I can expect that no life will need to be taken for my existence, and the LORD shall protect me.  Over eons, if one were to review history, you would arrive at the conclusion that war has not ever solved anything and is usually started based on an incomplete perspective of the real issue.  Add to that some folks who love money more than they value human life and you have the recipe for disaster.  War is the result of an immature consciousness, that thinks money and perceived power matter.  And then they get together and send more children off to war, where they have to see and partake in horrible things and then if they survive let them come back and try to function.  I could discuss this for hours, but I am sure by now you get the point.      

With that, I remember having a conversation with a woman, and out of my mouth came the statement close to this: "the people in the US think they are free, but they are nothing close to it.  In Germany they had registration numbers tattooed onto their person, over here we have Social Security numbers."  SS numbers.  Are you seeing the relevance?  The evil essence that was in Germany running the horrendous show has not been overcome.  Interestingly enough, how kind was it of the US to escort some of the crazy with a side of crazy right on over into this country under the name of Project Paperclip.

This is the result of massive ignorance.  No need for me to recreate the wheel here, since I have found others who have done a superb job in getting the message across:

Naomi Wolf: The End of America

She hits on so many great points of what constitutes a closing society.  I for one am personally thankful that there are those like her on this planet who put the truth out there no matter what.

Then check this one out, as he hits on many points that most don't ever consider, because they are living in prisons of perception. 

Paul T. Hellyer