The closer one gets to God, the more they are tested. I do not believe this testing is from God, but rather the enemy that now views you as awake and aware and therefore a threat to his plan to harvest souls since the coward cannot generate its own energy with Love. I cannot stress the grand importance now to NOT fall into fear, hopelessness and other worldly cares, but rather strengthen your integrity and relationship with the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, NOT the fear of God. God would never use fear, he only and forever will radiate divine love. However, if we fall short in some way, it will be the Lord that will correct us and this usually is not a very happy event.
How long you remain off of your path by satan's clever distraction efforts will determine how strong your correction comes to you. It is also interesting to note that lessons are repeated until they are LEARNED, and my friends, they will get bigger every single time so as to grab your attention. The players may change but the play is still the same, just more difficult. This is where recognizing your life patterns will help you to get out of this pit, learn your lessons and be free. However like I previously stated, when you radiate your light through your devotion to love, live in truth, practice forgiveness and truth (all of which are GOD) expect to be tested. More importantly, rejoice, for you shall be victorious!! Your best weapon against satan is Love and Truth. He is deathly afraid of them, for it means his end.
I will not explain at this time all of my testing I have endured during this life time as it is being put into a book that I am writing. What I will say, is that it is nothing less than the Grace of God that I am still here, maintaining this blog and playing my part to disseminate truth and serve God. More importantly, I have finally realized who I am and know that I am divinely protected. I don't just believe in God, I KNOW GOD.
I am unafraid. I was born for this.
It seems that there is a huge integrity deficit here on Earth, in addition to a decline in morality. We could debate the million potential causes but that would be a waste of time. The energy of NOT living a life with truth and integrity contributes to making Earth a prime feeding ground for satan as he prospers under lies, deceit, shame, guilt, and humiliation. I find it very interesting that many in this world feel that they will be able to buy themselves some salvation. There is nothing further from the truth.
By not embracing ALL of ourselves, through the denial of our shadow self and arriving at the UNCONDITIONAL acceptance of it perpetuates this disturbing game that satan has got going on here. Then you are bound in slavery because you chose to serve fear and lies rather than truth and love. The wise soul will recognize the importance of integrating his whole self combined with living in truth and this will release the chains of bondage to satan.
The Lord will find the transgressor wherever they are, and if they have not lived according to divine principles, they will reap what they have sown and then some. Many try to subvert this law, for instance instead of performing the transgression themselves and therefore adding to their own karmic debt, they hypnotize others into doing it for them. Let's reflect on the dark ignorance of Hitler here. How in the WORLD could so many willingly cancel out the lights in so many souls in such a horrendous manner? It's no secret that he was involved in mind control tactics, as is our very own government here. This is just one of the many clever ways they subvert the harsher law, but no matter for God knows what is in the hearts of men. No one gets away with anything, it just appears to be so. You might not see the divine justice in this lifetime, but know that the Lord will handle it. It is Love that will bring about the correction, for Love is the fulfillment of the law. I wholeheartedly believe that Divine Law will transcend the ignorance of "man's law".
For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed!
Be not deceived by appearances, my friends. These days, satan and his minions are on a full on mission to break you, to turn your own mind against you and to enslave your soul. It is your choice whether you allow this to happen or cast it out. You have more power than you realize. Use it wisely.
A huge benefit comes from being devoted to Truth, which is that you become a magnet for truthful information. Then ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
But first it is going to seriously piss you off. I read that somewhere. How true it is!!
No one can force truth on you. Many get led to truth early and laugh at it, ridicule it and attack it only to some time later embrace it, usually after great suffering that acted like dynamite to propel you to a nice change of perception to one that is of truth. It will greatly assist you to choose truth so that you can line up with information that will serve your soul rather than the personality and this world for these things will be passing away very soon.
Devote yourself to truth, no matter what it looks like and no matter how difficult it may be. Enter through the narrow gate. I have faith in YOU!
You are Greatly Loved!