"Think NOT that I have come to send peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a SWORD." Matthew 10:34
What we have here is a hidden treasure. For most do not even begin to understand the meaning of this gift of scripture on this planet, or else things here would look a lot better. It would seriously help if more souls had ears to hear rather than money to spend, for that has greatly limited creativity and revelation coming in. Alas, no one can save you from yourself. Regardless of what others may say, NOTHING is hidden from you. You will repel truth from yourself if you do not honor it in every area of your life or if you have fear.
We are all equipped, should we choose to enter through the narrow gate, do our own soul work, and live accordingly to the divine principles of God, with a spiritual sword that can defeat anything in our way. satan is nothing in front of this sword except the coward that he has always been. There is nothing, NOTHING that can get in the way of this sword. With God (which is PERFECT LOVE), all things are possible.
"What's the sword?" I am glad you asked (or at least I can imagine that you did!)
The sword gets created from the genuine application of PERFECT LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Jesus' whole life was about this message.
Let's think about the alternative for a moment and how ungodly energetically draining it is. With every act of unforgiveness and fear, you set yourself up to become food for satan's parasitic nature and then wonder why you have no energy. Compensation then sets in, and in a feeble attempt to mediate why you feel so freaking horrible you find some other unhealthy distraction to try and numb the pain. This does not work, drains more energy from you and makes you a slave.
How many still think that slavery was abolished? I certainly don't, and I don't believe it has anything to do with race either.
Over the last few years I have observed many people here, and see the game of guilt going on all over the place. These people think they are free, but they really are glorified slaves, no where near in control of themselves or their actions. It's usually control by the mate they have chosen in life, which is a continuation/direct reflection of whatever childhood thing they did not clear with love and forgiveness and thereby ERASING the bondage of the past and being done with it. They are used to this behavior and have come to accept it as normal when it is anything BUT normal.
The bondage of satan is from guilt, shame, fear or living a life with iniquity and oh my LORD is there more than enough of that on this planet. I see that the larger problem lies in the fact that many have no idea that they are living a life in error (which would be called sin by some) and this fact contributes greatly to their suffering. When one refuses to contribute to play that game, to resort to fear or guilt over ANYTHING, we become FREE. We realize the truth in the MERCY of God and we get the SWORD and protection that the teaching of Jesus reflected. satan gets slayed, which frankly is the way I prefer him to be. His ignorance is no longer needed here, because the NEW SONG is being sung right now, and if you allow yourself to get quiet enough, if you just learn to silence the mind you will hear its beautiful revelation which is about your salvation.
Or you could go on being food for something that does not love, care or have any respect for you whatsoever. You are just a food source to be used and discarded.
Here is your assignment should you choose to accept it: FORGIVE EVERYTHING. LOVE YOURSELF. GET THE SWORD. Live with the Divine Authority you were meant to have.
I love you.