As mentioned in a previous post, I stated how the first route of attack from satan the coward is your mind. Nearly daily I see the result of that attack as minds infected with doubt, lies, hatred (of self and others), unforgiveness, all of which make one a very nice slave for him and his minions to use at his will. In my own life this manifested in two of the souls that I love very much and sadly they have suffered greatly for this. It amazes me how easily one will "forget" all the kind, genuine things you had done for them and believe the lies told them, simply because they have not done enough of their own inner work, or live in guilt and shame, conformed to the ways of this world and therefore are vulnerable to the mind being breached by the enemy. They totally relinquish their ability to think for themselves, which is just the way the beast likes it, because he knows how powerful and creative the mind is.
I decided to go to a spiritual meeting yesterday for the first time since moving here. I have a decent amount of time on the drive over the mountain so I have gotten into the habit of using that time to talk to God. I asked him to get me out of the way, and let his truth come through if there was any message he wanted to convey to this new group. I feel so blessed to have such a deep connection with God, I hear from him frequently, and I do not doubt but obey what I hear. I kept hearing "feed my people". God knows I don't cook elaborately so I knew he must have meant spiritual food. "Ok, like what......." I replied and I kept getting the thoughts about forgiveness and how it is the eraser of the past and how important it is to embrace it, so one is divinely protected. "Alrighty then, God, will do". I sit in this circle, and I just feel the heavy grief and oppression of many souls there. Not many smiles, no light hearted laughter. Egos being strongly defended, I could feel it all. Yet, I promised God I would do what he asked of me.
This is some of what I said, "I have spent the last several years studying the life and message of Jesus Christ, and I have come to the conclusion it needn't take that long, for his message was of the power of forgiveness. It is what erases the past and sets us free from bondage to receive the inheritance that so rightly belongs to us, if only we would choose to take it. I have seen in my own life how unforgiveness worked, in that what I did not work out and forgive in my childhood, I repeated in my marriage, or my employment ect. and lessons are repeated until they are learned and they increase each time. It is a CHOICE to choose forgiveness, and I hope to God you all choose to be FREE."
As truth often does, this raised a ruckus in one of the attendees, and I could feel in several others as well. For at the end, she spewed out all her reasons for not forgiving, which are really just her pain talking, probably because she never allowed herself to fully feel and release what was causing her bondage to unforgiveness. She brought up being abused as a child as an example. All I could do was love her, let her remain where she is and maybe someday, that seed that God used me to plant in her will bring forth some fruit and freedom for her soul. It was an inappropriate setting for me to share with her my life experience of my many childhood abuses, for example being raped by family at age 5. I understand her feeling the need to defend her pain. I also know how many years I wasted and greatly suffered because of it, and I so want her to experience freedom she deserves.
This got me to thinking how it must be for God. Everyday, all around us and within us, is this GREAT LOVE that is available to tap into should we choose. But so many choose their past and their pain over Love and Forgiveness. Because minds have been infected with lies.
I understand why so few enter through the narrow gate, for it is a difficult path. However it is the only one that has provided my life with so much meaning. In the process of clearing out my pain, unforgiveness, anger and profound grief I have cried an ocean of tears over the last six years. I screamed it out when I needed to in my car. I wrote until my fingers hurt and my eyes could not see from all the tears falling out of them. I told God what exactly was on my mind since he knew it anyway. Some days, I never thought I would be able to get out of bed. But every day, somehow the Grace of God came in and said "Get Up" and I have finally learned not to argue with God, because I don't win. I win only when I align with him.
Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
Sadly, not much on this backwards planet runs along with God's natural law of Love. We are taught at a young age to conform, be quiet, do what everyone else is doing because that is the way it is here. We suppress everything, and we suffer greatly for it. All of this suppression only causes a derangement of our human energies that will eventually be released in an unnatural way that will look like a heart attack, stroke or the like. Please choose to let it all out. Choose to heal and love yourself, and you will then find that this is The Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus said, "No one can come unto the father except through the son." No one can access the Grace and Blessings of God without the application of FORGIVENESS (which is the message of the life of Jesus). It is true that in order to be forgiven we must forgive, or sadly we are evicted out of the Promised Land, only because of choosing poorly, not because God stops loving us. That never happens.
Make the committment to bring forth what is within you. Choose the narrow gate and care not of anyone's else opinion and focus only on the opinion of God. His opinion I happen to personally know, and it will always be "I LOVE YOU."
I know for a fact that every single work that satan has done in your life can at any time be undone by God. I am living proof of this, my friends. He has no ability to create anything, he can only steal from you if you are letting him do so. At any time you can say, "ENOUGH!!!! You have had enough of my life energy" and choose to starve the beast.
I love you Greatly. Many Blessings.
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