Sunday, February 28, 2016

Spiritual Immunity

We partake in all sorts of things that we think will offer us protection, from going to the doctor, purifying our diet, banking and saving our money, maintaining our jobs, participating in politics and obtaining an education (which often times places one in massive debt).  We seem to have come to believe that working hard is synonymous with being a good and humble human, that it is the normal way here.  I now offer you a different perspective to consider. 

We should not forget that people can become PORTALS for evil to operate through, and from my view I see this in full swing on this planet en masse.  So precious few are actually, genuinely sovereign and they set themselves up to be hosted, essentially becoming puppets for evil to carry out its will with.  We have children (in adult bodies) having children and very little emotional growth being given its proper attention.  

Think that this is an exaggeration?  Let me remind you of what hitler was able to do on this planet simply because he had CHOSEN to allow hatred and anger to enter his soul, rather than choosing to serve LOVE.  I know that he had been beaten supposedly daily by his father, and that the mother he "loved" very much had died at the hands of what he deemed "incompetent jewish doctors" who could not save her.  (With all thy getting, GET UNDERSTANDING).  I can understand how these acts could damage a soul, however I do not, under ANY circumstances, feel that this is a worthy enough excuse for his horrid behavior.  He that is within you is GREATER than he that is within the world.

We can ALWAYS, ALWAYS CHOOSE DIFFERENTLY at any time. No matter how great the spiritual oppression, we always can gain access to LOVE through our use of free will and use it to our benefit.

I was reading just yesterday some statistics on how most rapers were raped themselves and how most pedophiles were abused as a child.  What am I to do with that information?  Make excuses for their poor behavior?  Feel sorry for them?  Not gonna happen in any lifetime.  What I will do is hold the TOUGH LOVE vibration which WILL hold them divinely accountable, being unmoved by pity and having the realization that we can all arrive at GRACE should we choose to do the work required to get there.  I would teach them that it is no excuse just because it happened to them to continue on with this insanity, but this would be done with love not judgement.  We ALL have the same opportunity to choose differently and do the Godly thing and turn back to LOVE and away from hatred and all of its bondage.  It leads to possession quickly. 

While satan takes slaves, I gather students for I know the high spiritual cost of violating free will.  Nor am I about control.

We have all been shot, as my friend relayed to me one day, quoting from a spiritual program that she had been listening to, in which a soldier who had been driving had been shot.  His commander ordered him to continue to drive, and he said "I've been shot!"  His commander said, "Drive, we've all been shot".  (I will save my comments on his commander's lack of caring later. You can relax).  But the take home point here is truly, WE HAVE ALL BEEN SHOT, with some dark thing (or things), in this lifetime.  It is not an excuse to continue on with the inappropriate behavior or let anger/hatred, self pity, despair, or excessive grief weaken us to the point to where we get possessed by the lesser energies.  Believe me, those lesser energies are just WAITING for you to choose to weaken yourself.  They set up situations to provoke you so they can own you. 

So then, the only solution is to raise your spiritual immunity so high that it either repels the darkness or consumes it.  I am fine with either one, I personally choose to do both.  Picture the scene at the end of The Matrix, where Neo had been shot by Smith, and he gets up, and says "No." Smith is obviously pissed.  Neo takes a moment and gets himself together, for NOW HE KNOWS WHO HE IS.  Then he runs right at Smith, jumping right into his, very symbolic of integrating the shadow, in my opinion.  

What you need to do costs nothing but your time, devotion and remembering who you really are.  One needs to give up all lying, all hatred, all judgement (discernment is allowed), all fear, all shame, all guilt, ALL BLAME.  Excesses of any kind.  Giving to others is helpful for your spirit, and can cancel out error.  One needs to devote themselves to truth, no matter what it looks like and be willing to look at it full on without fear.  Go within to understand what LOVE truly is, and then commit to only operating from that level of  LOVE at all times.  Love is the only protection we have here.  The rest is manly illusion. 

One of the biggest spiritual revelations for me last year was finally getting the understanding of not putting any of my faith in man, but rather putting it where it belongs which is with God only.  Not in any family, government, religion, or education.  GOD ONLY.  Jeremiah 17:5 depicts this:  Cursed is the man who trusts in man......Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord.  Live your life so that the Lord is always in your favor, and you will have absolutely nothing to worry about.

I love you.  Have a wonderful week.

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