Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hidden Knowledge? Or not..........

When I am merrily trekking my way across the vast wide open land of the internet, on a mission quest for truth, I am always surprised to see when a blogger has used the word "occult", and writes of "Hidden Knowledge", ect.  I smile, because yet again, I have run into deception and this post today will hopefully clear all of this up for you, should this be of your concern and should you choose to read this post.

First and foremost, there is NO HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE.  No single entity here has any more power to withhold knowledge from anyone else, than say my big toe.  However, what these deceitful creatures can do, is instill so much fear and self doubt into you that you can't resonate with truth and therefore will not find it.  It is as simple as that people.  You essentially hide the truth from yourselves, through your ignorance.  Whether that be conscious ignorance or one of fear and such, only you will know.  But I can from personal experience guarantee you that once you align up with truth, no matter what it looks like, and stop living in bondage to your false perceptions, things will start to get really interesting.  You will be led to so much truth that you may forget to eat, shower and pee.  Five days later, after absorbing all the truth you feel you can hold for the time, you then tend to your physical needs so that you can eventually go back and absorb more knowledge.  But we must first extend to ourselves the time necessary to integrate it.  This is wisdom. 

I enjoy the study of Tarot, as did Carl Jung, and there is one teacher I am aware of who is constantly referencing the "mystery schools".  And I am like, "et tu, brute"?  Mystery schools have no more dibs on spiritual truths than my getting Caran D' Ache Luminance pencils and them making me create art like Picasso.  Yes, one can dream, but this to me seems more like a dependence.  We have been so completely brainwashed, so deeply conditioned, into believing that everything, including wisdom is outside of ourselves, and hence we have the complications of public education and then if you are lucky enough to survive that then what a treat it must be to get accepted into more debt, uh, I mean college, so that you are guaranteed of being a slave for as long as you have the loans.  I personally call that Hell.

Honestly, can you just humor me for a moment and ponder LBG?  That means Life Before Google.  Hard isn't it, even though it really has not been that long that they have been around.  We have deceived ourselves to the point that we don't think we know anything and now have to seek the services of Lord Google, or Lord Youtube.  This is because we have lost the divine connection, that right brain, highly intuitive direct line to God that we all have.  The good news is it can be restored rather quickly, and this will require diligence on your part to not let the lesser interfere with your mind.  Because once they have found out you are awake, they will try to shut you down. 

The Divine Feminine has returned here in vast abundance and she is pissed off.  There has been such a huge imbalance with the patriarchal society and over used left brain "logic" that the Divine Feminine was essentially hated and shunned.  This is not a war against male and female, for we all have each of these qualities within and in a perfect world they would be in Divine Balance.  This is not the case, and some very deceitful masculine energies got highly jealous of the creative nature of the feminine and sought to shut it down.  And the feminine floundered for a long time.  You just need to look at the state of the planet today to see where that got us.  Collision course for death and demise of most of the planet actually.  That is what the "all powerful" devotion to a "logical" society will do for ya.  Just saying.

Let me reiterate here again that this is not a claim that all men are horrendous fiends.  No, that would just be most of the males in my family and my ex-husband.  Oh and his lawyer.  Someone really should check her for a penis and a testosterone level because my lord does she seem to have it in abundance.  There is not one caring, compassionate cell in that things entire being.  But I digress......

Seriously, it is not just the physical male, but the energetic male that you should be concerned with, as in my experience it is not gender specific.  I am sure you can discern some highly masculine energies in a female body and vice versa.  What really matters most in my opinion is the energetic signature.  To get to this, we need to simplify our lives and de sensitize ourselves so that we can step back into the gift of sensing energies again.  I cannot express enough how important this is going to be in the future.

Your choice is simple.  Stop hiding from yourself, stop the self deception, eliminate fear and embrace TRUTH no matter what it looks like.  By choosing to do so, you will be liberating many souls that have been in bondage for you will be presented with truth and no doubt you will shocked and outraged over what has been going on here.  But just as no one else can exercise for you, no one can open your mind to the possibility of truth.  You must do that for yourself.  And then you will fall down the rabbit hole and so far for me, it has no end.  I find amazing truths all the time.     


Thursday, January 8, 2015

What if this were the last year of your life?

How would things be different for you?  Would you continue to work?  Would you finally find the fearlessness to follow your heart and do what makes your soul sing rather than your bank account happy?  Would you become more of a self advocate in an assertive way and not allow others to manipulate and use you as they had been in the past?  Would you grab your children and instead of having to compensate for "love" by buying them things, would you love them so well that no words needed to be exchanged, as that love is genuinely felt and requires no words?  Would YOU personally wake up to what is truly important, which is the work of our own soul, not the accumulation of things?  Materialism is so mother freaking temporary anyway.  I imagine that the things most humans seem to find important now, the prestigious job, the many human titles placed on one, the human "power" given by others, the BMWs, and the vacation homes and all of the excesses humans have come to accept as normal would loose all importance in the face of eminent global demise and catastrophic events.  Which is exactly what is going on here.  The Hopi call this the Great Purification.  Our souls know that all we are taking with us when we depart this world is the advancement on our consciousness.  Learning our own lessons, facing our shadow, and living in self love. 

It is no joke that this planet cannot take much more of the outrageous abuse that has been placed upon her, before she starts to shake herself off.  I personally feel that Mother Earth has been far too tolerant of all of the ignorance that some of her children have partaken in.  It would not surprise me in the least, say, if Yellowstone woke up, or an asteroid came to visit and San Andreas cracked open.  With all the suppressed energy that is inside of people today and has been accumulating for eons, those events would simply be a reflection of all the suppressed anger and rage releasing itself in an external process through Mother Earth.  Just as when a body meridian cannot hold more energy, it will derange its energy and ultimately cause problems in another meridian or body organ in time. 

Our beautiful planet is directly related to us and we to her, and if we don't wise up, pay attention to her signs, release our suppressed energy and operate as a GLOBAL UNITY of cooperation instead of competition, as one song (or UNI-VERSE), it is simply game over.  I am unafraid of whatever is to come.  I simply choose to remain awake and aware.  I know my genuine worth is not dependent on what I have obtained here, nor is it relevant to anyone's opinion of me.  I continue to work on my own consciousness, while keeping hypocrisy out of the equation and learn as much truth as I am capable of absorbing.

I feel that if more people ponder this as a very real potential scenario, they will come to find genuine worth.  They will place value on things in a much different way.  They will start transitioning over to authentic love and not conform to the ridiculous, over hyped, left brained patriarchal society that has been in force here for some time.  Because that way leads to extinction. 

Choose to see differently.  Make wiser decisions on what is truly important.  Explore how your choices will effect others.  All excesses create debts.  Einstein stated "that energy is neither created nor destroyed.  It merely changes form."  Just where do you think that energy is harnessed from?  Humans and more correctly, the suffering of humans.  Why do you think sacrifices were/are held in such regard?  Sacrifices are a Last Testament activity.  Humans here have remained naïve and have not fully transitioned into the New Testament law (which operates on the principle of Forgiveness).

We have thought that we have advanced so far and have become so highly civilized.  Reality as I see it shows a much different story.  A story of a race who fails to learn its lessons, who gets lost by ego and pride, who gets dazzled by all sorts of Earthly bling, and who gives its power away to those who only seek to capitalize off of them every way they can.  Some times it apparently takes the equivalent of dynamite to wake one up out of the slumber.  Unfortunately.  It doesn't have to be that way, though. 



Sunday, January 4, 2015

Diagnosis Earth: Love Deficiency

I can remember way back when I was in nursing school, I had an instructor, Marion, who was married to a doctor.  We had class one day, and I remember her stating specifically that "you are not to love your patients".  She was looking directly at me while she made that pathological statement.  In hindsight, I could have seen that as one of many earlier warnings that healthcare is not what it appears to be, especially if they don't foster a compassionate, loving, truthful presence above all else. 

And yet I had a nice smack of reality hit me, years later, and realized healthcare is a business.  It is about PROFITS, not people, although it will attempt to distract you from that fact.  It does this by giving itself a nice name you will resonate with and probably believe.  Something along the lines of Compassionate Mercy Hospital: where will love you like the chicken soup your grandma made you or some religious name you will like, like Our Lady of the Holy Lake of Burning Bushes or some such bullshit. Paaaaaaaaleese people.  There is a reason that healthcare is afraid to use the word CURE or to even utilize any of the various holistic technologies or options that have been KNOWN to cure, like Gerson Therapy, Hoxsey, Rife Frequencies, Hulda Clark therapies, homeopathy, energy medicine.  The AMA has gone in and shut down people who were truly curing others and confiscated equipment, because it threatened their ability to capitalize off of the sick and vulnerable.  It would mean that they would have to let people heal, and then they would not be making the bazillion dollars they do. 

I often ask myself (and God) how in the hell did I end on a planet like this, where everything has been running backwards, that they have all these "systems" that do not operate from a foundation of genuine, authentic love, and are actually contributing to the creation of further suffering by keeping the ignorant sick, broke and helpless.  Where "miracles" are considered a rarity.  Why are there hospitals popping up in abundance?  Where people are not operating from love, but rather fear the majority of the time.  He told me I am here because it needed a love correction.  Uh, excuse me God, but I am going to need a copy of that job description for this Earth mission you sent me on.  And let me tell you that I am going to read the damn fine print.  A love correction?  How in the hoohey am I supposed to accomplish this on a planet so devoid of authentic love, who barely knows the true meaning of unconditional love?  Who has traded pity for love?  He said, you will be the channel for my love to flow through.  He said, "raise your integrity so high that others will feel transformed by the presence of truth and integrity within you, without any words needing to be spoken."  He continued, "work on yourself and this will naturally extend out to others.  Then you will teach so others will learn".  I said oh, well OK then, as long as I can still enjoy my knitting, watercolors and organic pizza occasionally.     

People have forgotten that it is not normal to be ill.  They have given their power away in any one of a million choices humans are tempted to do that in, and thus have this conditioned belief that everything must come from outside of themselves rather than doing the deep, internal work to clear the issue.  They have traded truth for lies, and believe that a doctor knows better than they do about the body temple they are living in.  They make excuses for their illnesses, as in "my mother, father, brother, or crazy uncle Burpo had this and so I was "destined to get it too".  Bullshit.  Dr. Bruce Lipton has proven otherwise and genetics DO NOT predispose us to whatever our predecessors suffered from.  Unless you choose to, by not learning to identify, discern, transcend and heal.  A line of scripture can also sum this up:  "Go and sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you".  I do not like the word sin, as I feel it conjures up feelings of judgment, however, we do find ourselves in significant error of Natural Law often today.  Turn on most TV programs and they are inundating you with violence, immorality, and a whole host of other transgressions that those who aren't aware enough to block these attacks on consciousness will be further programmed into thinking these behaviors are normal.

Back to the Love Deficiency diagnosis.  That is what I have come to the conclusion to as the major contributing factor in all of the ignorance going on here today.  There is a HUGE lack of authentic love in all of our systems here:  politics, government, healthcare, education, religion, and even family.  There is an abundance of judgment, penalizations, character assassinations, ridiculous labeling, and capitalization of the naïve with a huge effort to conform humans into blind robots.  Very limited compassion too, as that itself is a natural extension of love.  So when I recognized all of this, it is no wonder we are in the state we are in here.  There is VAST DECEPTION here, because there is vast personal self deception, vast personal daily attacks and self judgment and hatred.  We are afraid of our own souls it seems, and oh how greatly we suffer for all of this ignorance.  We throw humans into prisons as if that is the solution.  It's like placing a band aid on an arterial laceration.  Totally useless.  And how in the hell can any one with two brain cells that actually synapse together could think that this mindless treatment will provide the human with criminal behavior to rehabilitate themselves, I have no idea.  Maybe they need to be thrown in jail for their own stupidity.  I can see it now.....I herby sentence you to life in prison for your conscious ignorance of thinking that prison is the solution to reform criminal behavior when what really is going on is a lack of authentic love.  Welcome to your own hell.  Oh, I am having all kinds of flashbacks of the movie Shawshank Redemption right now.

However, if authentic love were at the foundation of all organizations, we would see miracles every single minute of the day.  We would see genuine reformation and transformation.  We would arrive a forgiveness much quicker, knowing that there is in operation a law that will meet out any judgment on any injustice like a best friend who worked for the WWF.  In the presence of Love, the feeling of wanting to do harm to yourself or others in any way would be the last thing that crossed your mind, because you would be feeling so blissful, so complete and whole, so filled with LOVE that nothing else would ever compare nor be able to tempt you out of trading that for anything less.   

Consider this: rather than being impressed by the fact that your neurosurgeon graduated from Harvard, be more impressed by the fact that they have chosen to serve Truth, Love and Compassion in all areas of their life.  It doesn't hurt that they paid attention in school so they can find that pesky brain tumor for you, but far too much weight has been placed on the accumulation of education which is not necessarily directly related to the amount of WISDOM one actually obtains, nor is it any reflection of what their soul and heart serve.  Would you want your heart surgery performed by someone who does not believe in God? Where can I find this information on your resume, please?  No, I do not care that you were vaccinating orphans in Somalia on your summer break in your senior year of medical school, unless it was homeopathic vaccinations.  Oh, what, you are calling this religious harassment?  I am calling it NECESSARY, God is NOT dependent on any religion therefore this cannot be remotely related to religious harassment (AND FURTHERMORE, I WOULD THINK THAT A HARVARD EDUCATED CHILD LIKE YOURSELF WOULD KNOW THIS ALREADY), and if you don't serve truth, love and God, kindly get out of my way and go find some poor soul who cares not what you believe in or how much integrity you have, one who is even maybe even dazzled by your ivy league credentials.  You do not meet my objectives for being granted the privilege of working with me.  Any time you are being given an opportunity to work with another human being, it is a PRIVILEGE.  If you do not operate from Love, you are truly wasting my time, not to mention my money.  This does not make Ruth happy. 

Before someone finds the above offensive, and thinks perhaps I am against all medical professionals, and runs off jumping to conclusions that may not be anything close to truth and therefore potentially hurting themselves in the process, hear me out.  Yes, there are some very kind, compassionate bright lights within the healthcare profession and I can see this light and pureness about these rare souls.  I can feel the powerful presence they carry around just by being who they are, not by the personality they have.  It should be these kinds of qualities that are sought after in the healthcare profession.  I just have found that the majority of the medical profession has fallen so far away from LOVE and so much into FEAR/GREED that it is not consistently of genuine service to humanity, as it seeks to create a dependency on itself due to its greed and service to self energy.  In this way its like heroin.  I personally find healthcare more like hellcare, with the rare exception that it is of service when there is an emergency situation, say if you inadvertently chewed off your entire right arm while in your 7th meeting of the day without any break to pee or obtain that snickers bar to "keep you going" and are now spewing arterial blood all over the meeting room and the boss is not looking the least bit amused.  Another exception would be necessary surgical intervention, say like when you stepped on that pesky porcupine while boldly hiking the Appalachians shoeless and couldn't shake him off.  I am sure there are other emergency moments and by now you get the idea.  There must be a Need, NOT a DEPENDENCY.  For the latter there may be a twelve step program somewhere that can help.  Hi, my name is Clueless, and I have an addiction to over utilizing healthcare instead of obtaining my divine authority, taking back my power, doing my own work, integrating my shadow, ceasing the projection of blame, eating wholefoods, unconditionally loving myself, and simplifying my life.

True reform must start with each individual soul, personally.  Look at and confront all your demons and they will flee from you in the light of truth and self love, which they cannot stand.  Remove the specks from your own eyes before you go running off to save planet Earth, advocating for Global reform, or taking an activist stance against Monsatan (formerly known as Monsanto).  All of these endeavors are well and good, but if you are partaking in hypocrisy by not doing your own work, and bringing genuine love into your own life first, you are of no help to anything else, nor can you give what you do not have.  Create another channel in yourself for the love of God to pour through.  I am most certain you will not regret it.  By doing so, you are making a personal declaration of Love without having to say a word and thereby raising the level of global integrity on this planet and thus making the environment much less hospitable for those who do not operate from love.