Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hidden Knowledge? Or not..........

When I am merrily trekking my way across the vast wide open land of the internet, on a mission quest for truth, I am always surprised to see when a blogger has used the word "occult", and writes of "Hidden Knowledge", ect.  I smile, because yet again, I have run into deception and this post today will hopefully clear all of this up for you, should this be of your concern and should you choose to read this post.

First and foremost, there is NO HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE.  No single entity here has any more power to withhold knowledge from anyone else, than say my big toe.  However, what these deceitful creatures can do, is instill so much fear and self doubt into you that you can't resonate with truth and therefore will not find it.  It is as simple as that people.  You essentially hide the truth from yourselves, through your ignorance.  Whether that be conscious ignorance or one of fear and such, only you will know.  But I can from personal experience guarantee you that once you align up with truth, no matter what it looks like, and stop living in bondage to your false perceptions, things will start to get really interesting.  You will be led to so much truth that you may forget to eat, shower and pee.  Five days later, after absorbing all the truth you feel you can hold for the time, you then tend to your physical needs so that you can eventually go back and absorb more knowledge.  But we must first extend to ourselves the time necessary to integrate it.  This is wisdom. 

I enjoy the study of Tarot, as did Carl Jung, and there is one teacher I am aware of who is constantly referencing the "mystery schools".  And I am like, "et tu, brute"?  Mystery schools have no more dibs on spiritual truths than my getting Caran D' Ache Luminance pencils and them making me create art like Picasso.  Yes, one can dream, but this to me seems more like a dependence.  We have been so completely brainwashed, so deeply conditioned, into believing that everything, including wisdom is outside of ourselves, and hence we have the complications of public education and then if you are lucky enough to survive that then what a treat it must be to get accepted into more debt, uh, I mean college, so that you are guaranteed of being a slave for as long as you have the loans.  I personally call that Hell.

Honestly, can you just humor me for a moment and ponder LBG?  That means Life Before Google.  Hard isn't it, even though it really has not been that long that they have been around.  We have deceived ourselves to the point that we don't think we know anything and now have to seek the services of Lord Google, or Lord Youtube.  This is because we have lost the divine connection, that right brain, highly intuitive direct line to God that we all have.  The good news is it can be restored rather quickly, and this will require diligence on your part to not let the lesser interfere with your mind.  Because once they have found out you are awake, they will try to shut you down. 

The Divine Feminine has returned here in vast abundance and she is pissed off.  There has been such a huge imbalance with the patriarchal society and over used left brain "logic" that the Divine Feminine was essentially hated and shunned.  This is not a war against male and female, for we all have each of these qualities within and in a perfect world they would be in Divine Balance.  This is not the case, and some very deceitful masculine energies got highly jealous of the creative nature of the feminine and sought to shut it down.  And the feminine floundered for a long time.  You just need to look at the state of the planet today to see where that got us.  Collision course for death and demise of most of the planet actually.  That is what the "all powerful" devotion to a "logical" society will do for ya.  Just saying.

Let me reiterate here again that this is not a claim that all men are horrendous fiends.  No, that would just be most of the males in my family and my ex-husband.  Oh and his lawyer.  Someone really should check her for a penis and a testosterone level because my lord does she seem to have it in abundance.  There is not one caring, compassionate cell in that things entire being.  But I digress......

Seriously, it is not just the physical male, but the energetic male that you should be concerned with, as in my experience it is not gender specific.  I am sure you can discern some highly masculine energies in a female body and vice versa.  What really matters most in my opinion is the energetic signature.  To get to this, we need to simplify our lives and de sensitize ourselves so that we can step back into the gift of sensing energies again.  I cannot express enough how important this is going to be in the future.

Your choice is simple.  Stop hiding from yourself, stop the self deception, eliminate fear and embrace TRUTH no matter what it looks like.  By choosing to do so, you will be liberating many souls that have been in bondage for you will be presented with truth and no doubt you will shocked and outraged over what has been going on here.  But just as no one else can exercise for you, no one can open your mind to the possibility of truth.  You must do that for yourself.  And then you will fall down the rabbit hole and so far for me, it has no end.  I find amazing truths all the time.     


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