Thursday, January 8, 2015

What if this were the last year of your life?

How would things be different for you?  Would you continue to work?  Would you finally find the fearlessness to follow your heart and do what makes your soul sing rather than your bank account happy?  Would you become more of a self advocate in an assertive way and not allow others to manipulate and use you as they had been in the past?  Would you grab your children and instead of having to compensate for "love" by buying them things, would you love them so well that no words needed to be exchanged, as that love is genuinely felt and requires no words?  Would YOU personally wake up to what is truly important, which is the work of our own soul, not the accumulation of things?  Materialism is so mother freaking temporary anyway.  I imagine that the things most humans seem to find important now, the prestigious job, the many human titles placed on one, the human "power" given by others, the BMWs, and the vacation homes and all of the excesses humans have come to accept as normal would loose all importance in the face of eminent global demise and catastrophic events.  Which is exactly what is going on here.  The Hopi call this the Great Purification.  Our souls know that all we are taking with us when we depart this world is the advancement on our consciousness.  Learning our own lessons, facing our shadow, and living in self love. 

It is no joke that this planet cannot take much more of the outrageous abuse that has been placed upon her, before she starts to shake herself off.  I personally feel that Mother Earth has been far too tolerant of all of the ignorance that some of her children have partaken in.  It would not surprise me in the least, say, if Yellowstone woke up, or an asteroid came to visit and San Andreas cracked open.  With all the suppressed energy that is inside of people today and has been accumulating for eons, those events would simply be a reflection of all the suppressed anger and rage releasing itself in an external process through Mother Earth.  Just as when a body meridian cannot hold more energy, it will derange its energy and ultimately cause problems in another meridian or body organ in time. 

Our beautiful planet is directly related to us and we to her, and if we don't wise up, pay attention to her signs, release our suppressed energy and operate as a GLOBAL UNITY of cooperation instead of competition, as one song (or UNI-VERSE), it is simply game over.  I am unafraid of whatever is to come.  I simply choose to remain awake and aware.  I know my genuine worth is not dependent on what I have obtained here, nor is it relevant to anyone's opinion of me.  I continue to work on my own consciousness, while keeping hypocrisy out of the equation and learn as much truth as I am capable of absorbing.

I feel that if more people ponder this as a very real potential scenario, they will come to find genuine worth.  They will place value on things in a much different way.  They will start transitioning over to authentic love and not conform to the ridiculous, over hyped, left brained patriarchal society that has been in force here for some time.  Because that way leads to extinction. 

Choose to see differently.  Make wiser decisions on what is truly important.  Explore how your choices will effect others.  All excesses create debts.  Einstein stated "that energy is neither created nor destroyed.  It merely changes form."  Just where do you think that energy is harnessed from?  Humans and more correctly, the suffering of humans.  Why do you think sacrifices were/are held in such regard?  Sacrifices are a Last Testament activity.  Humans here have remained naïve and have not fully transitioned into the New Testament law (which operates on the principle of Forgiveness).

We have thought that we have advanced so far and have become so highly civilized.  Reality as I see it shows a much different story.  A story of a race who fails to learn its lessons, who gets lost by ego and pride, who gets dazzled by all sorts of Earthly bling, and who gives its power away to those who only seek to capitalize off of them every way they can.  Some times it apparently takes the equivalent of dynamite to wake one up out of the slumber.  Unfortunately.  It doesn't have to be that way, though. 



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