Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Judgment of Appearances

When I became more of a learner and observer, life got interesting.  I could CLEARLY see how nothing here, NOTHING is as it seems.  In previous posts I have written how we have nothing but illusions here, illusions of wellness in healthcare (my preferred word is hellcare as it is more accurate), illusions of protection from a military, illusions of spirituality and truth from religion, illusions of wisdom from an education, and illusions of order from a government.  I could go on and on describing more illusions such as that of the child protection services from state funded entities and more (in NJ let me refer you to the atrocities that occurred within the DYFS system around the year 2002), but I am sure that by now you get the idea.  We could go very rabbit hole here and start discussing the fact that there are elites/politicians that are actively practicing satanists who subscribe to pedophilia and they are the majority.  I refer you to the book by John DeCamp entitled "The Franklin Cover Up", as well as the book by Noreen Gosch entitled "Why Johnny can't Come Home."  These are only two views of what has been going on here for eons.  You can also find Youtube videos with them and they are excellent.  Also consider checking out the documentary called "Conspiracy of Silence".  satanists cannot generate their own energy, so they steal it from children and the spiritually naive. (WARNING!! There is exceptionally graphic descriptions of the horrendous abuses in the above mentioned books and documentaries and they may be triggers for you.  Watch mindfully only when you feel fully ready and Spirit Led.)    

I would like to suggest you take a moment and ponder how you arrive at your conclusion of something/someone being "good".  So often we will say, "Oh he is such a good person, blah blah blah," and yet we may only know a small part of who he REALLY is.  While were out campaigning for his "goodness" in truth he could be doing an infinite number of NOT GOOD things that you have no idea about.  So in reality, it is best not to assume goodness on any appearances, for your perspective greatly limits you.  However when one is sensitive as I am, you can read energy exceptionally clearly and recognize the lie, deceit or malicious behavior without the other character ever saying a word.  It gets really interesting when you start to read the mind.  This is a gift to everyone, and all one needs to do to access it is calm down, get yourself out of the frustration/fear vibration and align up with truth.  Learn to trust yourself and your guidance and not doubt.  Doubt is one of the weapons of the enemy, especially self doubt, as he knows that "a house divided against itself cannot stand."  satan goes about here everyday trying to get you to hop on the road to self destruction and your job is to say "NO!  I've got the Divine authority of Jesus Christ and you will now get out of my way." 

Just let him try to violate your free will.  He knows he can't, but do YOU know that? 

And then ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Truth be told I absolutely hate it here on Earth as things are profoundly not going to end up well for humans, but I know I am here only on assignment (as the Reverend Bill Johnson says!!).  This is not my home and once I accepted that fact, I was able to relinquish my resistance to the ignorance here and turn it into a passion that feeds souls who are genuinely ready for this information.  Everything is backwards, so many seem to care more about what's on American Idol than how our children, older adults, and animals are being treated, how the planet is truly dying because of our neglect or homelessness and poverty.  We still have people in this country procreating like there is an infinite number of resources still available, instead of being consciously mindful and really taking a truthful look at what is going on.  While it seems that pride goes out and encourages some to hang flags, I feel more cosmically aligned with wanting PEACE for all sentient beings and not just make some contribution to something that causes further separation instead of unity and may fuel another meaningless war.

The good news is that LOVE is now flooding in and correcting everything, however this will look catastrophic to many.  For me, it is not about the quantity of my years here but rather the quality of my seconds and how much did I authentically love.  It is about being of service to the soul rather than the personality.  It is about living devoted to truth and integrity no matter what. 

For me, it is about staying in the Love of God when all hell is breaking out.

Friends, QUESTION EVERYTHING.  Get aligned with Divine Wisdom.

There are two ways to walk to the gas chamber:  Free or Not Free.

No matter what, I sincerely want you all to be FREE.

I love you greatly!



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