Sunday, July 26, 2015

Moving Mountains

I apologize for the blog silence.  I have been working and am in the process of moving to a much more beautiful place where I will have wide open space, mountains and well water.  I am hoping that community will be present where I am going, as I can sure as heck say that it is not where I am currently in NJ.  The town I am moving to has a population less than 400.  Amen people, because I would much rather see the stars in all their natural glory on any day.  I am done with convenience and am ready to get deep into my own soul and connect to God in a way that I don't feel is possible here.  The energy here is too off for that vibration to come in consistently no matter how much I meditate, pray or sage.

The universe has sent me all kinds of signs saying its time to move on, some of them majorly annoying (I am going to spare you all this drama).  My biggest concern is that I am where I am because of one of the loves of my life, my son Alexander, is nearby.  Alex has many medical issues and attends a special school and I am near it all to be with him and advocate when necessary or care for him when he is not feeling well.

We chat often, him and I, of having our own farm, of seeing and feeding the happy chickens and having some sheep so I can knit the "fur" as he calls it.  Being a Mom gives my life such meaning.  Yet nothing about this experience of motherhood has turned out like I had envisioned.  This child has turned out to be my greatest teacher and because of him I feel that have earned a Phd in Love.  As I have said in a previous post, Love does not cling or grasp to an illusion.  Love lets go.  Love knows that nothing, not even death, can sever that bond.

Perfect Love casts out Fear.  So now I find myself getting deeper into Faith, trusting that if it is God's will, then a way will be made clear to have him join me in another group home in the new state.  Nonetheless, I shall still be very much connected to his life through technology and frequent visits, even though I will be 6 hours away....... 

We play this game I call Luv Bug's version of hide and seek.  He says, "Mommy go hide", and I hide in the same spot I have hidden in for the last 5 years.  He is always so surprised to find me.  Then it is his turn to hide and I count to ten.  Then I start calling, "Where is my Luv Bug?"  I spot him and say "There you are!!".  He says, Mommy you saved me!"

And I reply, "Oh no, Alexander.  It was you who saved me."  Because of what I went through with him, the profound heartache, the intense pain, the medical ignorance, broke me wide open.

And that, my dear friends, is how the light got in.

What I would like to humbly ask from my readers is this:  If you feel so guided, would you please include us in your prayers?  Transition is never easy.  I am most certain your prayers would assist in this challenging time, and I would be very grateful.  Prayers can move mountains. 

You are greatly LOVED.  Have a Peaceful week!



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