Sunday, August 30, 2015

One Nation, Under Influence, with the illusion of freedom and justice for all

We are on the verge of entering into the most life changing month ever to have happen here on this planet.  September 2015 promises to clear out all the lies and cleanse/purify all of the error.  All that has been hidden shall be revealed.  I have waited my whole life for this moment, the moment where all illusions are blown away and all that's left is the ugly truth of how very unconscious the masses have been and how they have been blindly in service to satan.  Service to self and the personality instead of the SOUL.  In all this "service" to everything but GOD, now is when GOD shall let all know that he is and has always been in charge.  The LORD has been set into motion, and there is absolutely nothing that can stop it.  This needs to happen, for there has been enough opportunity for humanity to self correct, and it has not chosen to follow that path.  Since there was no voluntary conscious decision to give up service to the BEAST, it will be taken from us.  Instead of serving Authentic Love, humanity has chosen to serve himself.  Instead of letting the LORD provide, we seem to think that we need to provide everything for ourselves.  We fail at doing our own soul work, purging out all that is not of the Father and start to compensate day after day for the transgressions.

You cannot fill a cup that is already full.       

To those who have bought into the LIE, and chose (probably unconsciously) to serve the MAN, things are going to appear extremely catastrophic.  While they partake in things being "random and products of fate" GOD is going to give them a little wake up call.  They are going to see that money cannot buy salvation, human "connections" cannot save them, fancy clothes, jewelry and the healthy 401K and bank accounts are not going to be able to do one good thing for them.  The only safe place to reside at this time is in the will and love of GOD, in the loving comfort of Jesus Christ.  Translated another way, is that to enter into the love and protection of GOD, one must practice a Christ inspired life with love and forgiveness.  No one can come unto the Father except through the son.  We must empty the cup.

Let me share my understanding of WHY this is going to be allowed to happen.  Humans have bought into the lie that we need to suffer and struggle and work HARD for everything, when the truth of the matter is as Jesus said "I have come that ye may have life and have it more abundantly."  We have been conditioned since birth to feel we are lowly and powerless, all the while those who KNOW that humanity is violating spiritual law every single day, make all the provision necessary to capitalize off of the ignorance, much like a parasite on a host.  We have taken as truth that we must have the mortgage, the car loan, the student loans, the credit cards ect, however, this is incorrect.  To partake in these things is to doubt the ability of GOD to provide for you, in his own time based on your application of spiritual law.  So many are impatient (myself included) and want what they want right now.  Then the bait is set and the enemy can infiltrate your camp.  Since the belief that you must need money to survive has been planted, this is what is being manifested in your life.  Then they keep on creating other dependencies to keep you a slave.  The enemy here has cleverly instilled into humanity that evil is good and good is evil.  This is just so backwards, but not surprising since we can see the origin. Many feel that sickness is normal, that taking some synthetic thing as a dependency is acceptable.  While using anything as a temporary bridge until we arrive at causation is OK, the dependency of anything is a snare of the enemy.  So, instead of clearing and releasing that anger, you pop a pill and think that takes care of the matter.  Meanwhile, all this dependency and violation of spiritual law (such as unforgiveness and long held anger) is creating an energetic derangement within the body system, and what at first was hypertension now becomes a stroke.  Because you did not learn the lesson the first time, it was presented again in a more assertive manner so as to hopefully gain your attention.  So very few look at how they are contributing to their condition, and instead choose blame.  No growth comes from that choice, and one just stays a slave. Debt and illness are just two examples of how humans are made dependent on the beast.  Of course this can be changed any time a soul decides to serve faith, truth and love.

We can either choose to disengage from it or die trying to defend it.  It is all a choice. 

He who is within you is greater than he that is in the world.  Get your mind sovereign and your heart clear.  Renew your mind with the truths of God.

I love you greatly Friends.



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