Sunday, August 23, 2015

Understanding Light

The UN has declared this year to be the Year of Light.  I would like to share some further personal insights of light and its meaning.

In new age circles, you hear a lot about application of with the light: call on the light, inhale the light, fill your being with light, and to some extent this is true.  However with all this getting, we have failed to arrive at an understanding that there is more to consider when working with the light.  

In the Book of Enoch, we learn about the "watchers". They are also mentioned in the Bible.  These watchers are part of the Fall of Angels, and they are watching all of the races of earth for any transgression and taking note.  They can appear human, but most times these things are multidimensional.  Make no mistake about it, they are all about making things appear as though they are one way, when reality would tell a much different story.    They enjoy chaos as it feeds them.  I am certain you can see that they are the minions of satan as well.  

So, these Watchers fell, along with Lucifer (which means "light bearer").  The light that is mentioned here is typically referred to as knowledge.  OH MY GOD.  Knowledge you say, Ruth?  Yep, its knowledge.  But as with everything, we need to question further.  In Genesis we see how the serpent tempted Eve to eat from THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, and then Adam also tasted the forbidden "fruit" (do not even get me started on how crazy it is to blame Eve for "tempting"Adam.  I am most certain Adam had perfectly working vocal cords and a sound mind that could have said clearly NO).  Then they knew they were naked, developed shame and guilt and you know where this is going.  All because of the false light of knowledge. 

When I said knowledge protects, ignorance endangers in a previous post from the channeled information of Cassiopea, I would now replace the word knowledge for the word WISDOM.  Knowledge is how satan operates.  Knowledge is left brained, linear and logical.  Knowledge, if that is all one has and seeks for, will ultimately destroy that life.  Knowledge is nothing without the application of creativity and the intuitive heart. What does one really ever truly KNOW anyway?  Just when you think knowledge has saved your ass from another conflict, along comes a bigger one that hopefully will act as dynamite to blast one out of its knowledge based comfort zone and into a reality where knowledge and love become bonded through spiritual marriage (the Father and I are one). In a short time frame, this loving couple produce offspring they call wisdom.  
How else may this be demonstrated?  Using only one hemisphere of the brain more than the other.  In this country the systems are typically addicted to the left brain only, but this is in process of changing for the better.  We can see where all this "knowledge" of the left brain has put humanity: into its 6th human extinction with a planet that is on life support.  Knowledge has served itself over and over again and never asked the heart what was important to her.  It just kept on taking and taking until now, when there is very little left to take.  Knowledge is all satan has for he has no love within him to arrive at any wisdom.  So he uses aggressive and deceitful means to obtain whatever he wants by instilling fear, doubt and survival vibrations by attacking one through their own mind.  Humanity has fallen naively for it all and bought into the lie.  It's very sad.  

So, if you are one of those who use light in your energy work I am going to tell you what I do.  I state my intention that the light I am calling on comes only from the highest, most loving, truthful compassionate, graceful, merciful source of God energy and WISDOM. 

May you all have a beautiful and peaceful week filled with all the wonder of wisdom.

You are greatly loved.



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