Sunday, August 16, 2015

Compensation is Killing Us

Because there has been so much violation in spiritual law, humanity has decided that compensation for this transgression is "normal".  Rather than facing our fears, speaking our TRUTHS, and always acting from the foundation of Authentic Love, we have learned settled for much much less than our Divine inheritance.  We have chosen to sell our soul. 

This starts from the time you enter onto this planet, maybe looking towards your parents as "gods"and making their beliefs/opinions yours, without ever exploring if these are even true for you.  So for instance, you may have wanted to be an artist, but they told you there is no stability in that, and then sent you off on your way to get a degree in some other such bullshit that would not feed your soul but destroy it in the long run, most likely because this is what was done to them. 

All because you believed those to whom you had given your authority/power to. 

I must say that whenever I had placed my faith in any human, I was tremendously disappointed most times.  So many today are not in full possession of their own minds let alone able to control their actions and so I keep my faith where it belongs now, which for me is with God.  I learned this after decades of intense suffering.  I put my faith in my parents/family and was horribly let down.  Over and over again, I would disregard the past experiences I had with them which was always some form of service to self rather than operating from love and authenticity.  This is not to say I now walk around blaming these souls for my life's tribulations: I got them this time around to learn lessons that my soul was seeking.  The biggest lessons were to stop giving my power away and making anyone else an authority in my life as well as transcendence of the personality and ego.  I cannot express how very difficult this lifetime had been, however, even with all the difficulty I have been blessed with opportunity to expand my heart and mind (which results in wisdom) to levels that I only could imagine previously.

So when we don't clear the parent issue, this then will play out its theater in your life in other ways: your boss, partners, associates, friends, will take on the role, you get the idea.  The players may change, however the play will remain the same (and magnify) until you learn the lesson.  We keep compensating, not living our truths and we pay dearly for it.  This compensation extends itself out into every area of life now.  Instead of living in alignment with spiritual law, compensation with the option of a bazillion things takes it place and no spiritual growth results.  It is no wonder at all to me that this planet is in the state it is in.  We have the consciousness of children running around in adult bodies, trying to play house instead of serving their souls and choosing to mature. 

Choose to grow.  Choose to become the authority of your own life, with God.  Choose to be free.

After all, it is a CHOICE.

I love you greatly.  Enough to tell you the truth.



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