Saturday, December 20, 2014

Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers

The title above is reflective of one of my favorite truths, among many, that I obtained while reading the Cassiopaean Material as obtained by Laura Knight-Jadczyk.  This phrase been returning to my conscious over and over lately and I feel guided to share it here on this blog.  When I say that great, great change is coming, I want as many souls as prepared as possible.  However, I am also aware that one cannot save people from themselves, and nothing is ever achieved by force.  This blog is the perfect vehicle for the information as those who are truly ready will find it. 

The more naïve, or consciously ignorant one is, the greater the ability to be taken advantage of by those who do not mean you well.  Make NO MISTAKE, there is and has been for many eons here, a deceptive, lying, service to self essence that I choose to note as evil, and it can only continue by stealing your light and keeping you in bondage through your ignorance.  I chose to call it satan (left lower case purposefully, as I know it is a COWARD), although it has been noted as demons, archons, the jinn, ect. in other philosophies.

All this time, the level of energetic vibration on this planet was low enough for it to have dominion here.  By this I mean that humanity had not risen to a level where they consistently lived by integrity, truth and love (as noted in Dr. David Hawkins' work on his map of consciousness).  I liken it to how illness can settle in a body that is acidic more easily than if it is in an alkaline state.  This planet has endured being in an "acidic state" for a very long time and therefore has been infested with parasites (evil).  They have infested every single system we have here, schools, religion, police, healthcare and government.  They are your neighbors, your bosses, your coworkers.  Being clever, they know they shall only have the position they do as long as they keep the masses ignorant, distracted and enslaved.

Our world today is the living result of what our ignorance has done.  By our failure to process and integrate our own darkness and learn the wonderful gift that is self love and forgiveness we have given authority to everything outside of ourselves.  The microcosm is reflective of the macrocosm.  If you are in to self deception, then you will be deceived.  If you lie, you will be lied to.  If you violate any universal law, you will be held accountable, and as a result will be a slave.  Evil knows this, and this is why at every single opportunity it seeks to tempt humans.  It will find all of your weakness and play those buttons.  It will do everything it can to PROVOKE you into some spiritual violation of universal law and therefore subject you to the bondage of slavery and great suffering. 

All because we did NOT KNOW.  Because we adopted (or was conditioned by) some incorrect beliefs when young, we make rationalizations and excuses for all of the evil on this planet.  We tell ourselves "that's just the way it is here".  War is not necessary, and yet our own government brainwashes the hypnotized masses into believing that killing is necessary in order to "defend our country".  Need I remind the reader that there were never any weapons of mass destruction?  They buy into the lie, giving in to either fear of "some possible threat to our country" or by ensnaring the EGO and PRIDE, which are the foundation of those systems.

The rabbit hole is dark and deep people.  I fell in long ago, and I thank God I did.  Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is as it seems here.  It is all just appearances and you are living a life according to the images of your very limited perception that has been corrupted by media, religion and family.   Most are vastly in need of a human version of Norton Antivirus.  If I were to tell you what is really going on and explain the extreme violations that are being committed on humanity, and even more alarming on innocent children, I guarantee that you would be outraged as you never have in your whole life.  I suggest that you make a personal, conscious choice to line up with truth no matter what it looks like, the universe will support that by presenting you with the material when you are ready to integrate it.  Chances are that you will start to remember what you had buried away eons ago. 

Choose to get out of bondage by facing your feelings and feeling them not numbing them, knowing your worth, loving yourself unconditionally.  Do not haphazardly buy into what anyone is saying, question everything.  Look fear right in its face and say you are so done in my life.  Forgive yourself completely.  Cease with the self deception, self judgment and self delusion.  By doing our work in these areas we are making ourselves part of the spiritual team of light, and we become untouchable by the evil creatures on this planet.  They know who is awake and it pisses them off to no end.  They are swimming in their own deep sea of fear and this is what shall contribute to their end very soon.  All of the hidden deceit, all of the highly malicious acts committed against spirit are coming out into the broad light of day and they have no where to hide.  This makes me immensely happy.  Check mate, satan.  Any move he makes now will result in his end. 

Of course, being that you are blessed to have free will, you can make the decision to stay asleep and ignorant of the truth of reality here.  That choice will most likely lead to the end of your existence but not before a great amount of suffering and pain are experienced in your life.  Personally, I would much prefer that you live and shine that lightly so bright that it blinds all ignorance.  You are a great light if you found this blog, for their are no coincidences.  You were meant to find this blog because there is something here that you were ready to learn.          


Friday, December 19, 2014

Love Defined

It has been my observation for many years that most humans on this planet use the word love incorrectly.  They do not come close to the comprehension of genuine, authentic love, but rather more of a lust/desire for something.  The word itself has been inappropriately used for a long time here, much as the word God has been misused and therefore the subject of much debate.  My intention with this post is to share my opinion and hopefully provide you the reader with a new perspective that you may be open to consider for your own life experience.

Take for a moment to pondering what you think love means.  More likely than not, you may attach what you learned in childhood to how you define love and its probably conditional.  "I will love you if you give me this, or buy me this, or do this for me."  Not love.  That, unfortunately is bondage and more like a hostage situation for you, for it keeps you in the never ending cycle of conditional "love".  In my own family I can not even begin to explain the ignorance that dominated and looking back with my understanding of things now, was not anything even close to love.  It was more of a game of pity, hatred and horrible, horrible attacks to break the spirit and great emotional and physical pain.  Ultimately all of this ignorance would progress to actual manifested dis-ease. 

Love does not judge.  Love unconditionally accepts you.  Love is the only energy that offers genuine healing, or for that matter protection.  Love is an actual state of being.  By operating from a place of Divine Love, one gains Spiritual Authority.  One has the power then to hold all others ACCOUNTABLE for their ignorance.  What I see happen often is that folks are not operating from love, but rather from fear, guilt, shame, self pity and therefore they suffer greatly. 

I had asthma horribly as a child.  Not surprising, since now I can see the relationship between the energetic disturbance and the profound sadness my soul was feeling manifested in this way through my lungs.  In Chinese medicine, the lungs are an area that is related to grief and sadness, and since I was already in the boat of suppressing my truths even then, it expressed itself as the energetic, physical derangement in the form of asthma.  Many, many times I would wake up, unable to breathe and my mother would be at work.  I would try to wake up my father and all he ever did was flip me the bird.  I was around the age of seven at that time.  I would sit on my bedroom floor, with every breath feeling like I was trying to accomplish it with a ton of pressure like an oppressive band around my entire thoracic area and just try to wait for my mother to arrive home to take me to the hospital.  I remember her mentioning to me how on one occasion she came home from work on the night shift and found me blue.  My father was still sleeping.  I was taken to the ER and they informed her that my oxygenation was far below what was considered acceptable.  This however, did not ever influence her enough to not leave me in the care of my incompetent, pathological father after that.

I mention this for the following reasons.  Asthma affected a large part of my life up until I learned to unconditionally LOVE MYSELF ENOUGH to follow through with divorce and make other necessary changes in my life.  It was amazing the transformation.  I used to wake up frequently to use an inhaler nearly every single night.  Not long after leaving my ex husband I have not had any reason to ever use an inhaler again.   

Children give away their power so freely, out of their naïve nature and trusting personality.  Someone buys them a new desired thing, and they make that person a "God" and just donate some free energy to them.  There are many deranged energies on this planet who know the vast pureness of energy in children and they do all they can to extract that light.  These creatures are unable to generate their own energy, since they do NOT operate from a state of love and therefore steal it from the unaware or the young and/or naïve. 

Family conditioning for me was largely a factor as well.  Those I was around operated from a place of pity, feeling sorry for people including their own selves which kept them locked in a very low vibration making them easy predation for those who operate in those dimensions.  This behavior was also FORCED onto  me as a child.  For example, I had a younger brother who for a variety of reasons could not get himself together and live his life with truth and integrity.  My mother and her mother repeatedly would bail him out of whatever jam he was in, only to ultimately be used and manipulated.  This would result in their having anger over some thing he had done, and yet they placed themselves in this position since they personally defined love as having to do something rather than holding him genuinely accountable and calling him on his nonsense.  Also, because they did not do their own work, clearing out their shadow material, they were imposed upon frequently and taken advantage of by darker forces.

Feeling sorry or having pity for anyone is not loving at all and yet this is what goes on all over the globe every single day.  Out of some distorted perceptions that were/are based on incomplete beliefs/opinions they had taken on as truth they set themselves to be slaves to ignorance. They incorrectly applied those lower vibrations rather than genuine love.  Genuine love does not ever diminished the spirit, and does NOT mean that we have to all martyr ourselves in the process of "loving" another.  Rather it asks us to save ourselves, do our own work first and then set about correcting others from a place of love rather than judgment.  So many are out there trying to save everybody else from themselves instead of doing their own work.  Their is no authority in this as we cannot ever give something to another that we have not first given to ourselves. 

Another area that this causes drama in is in marriages.  You are probably aware of the high divorce rate in this country.  Perhaps this is because we are seeking something outside of ourselves to complete us rather than starting with perfect self love initially.  In reality nothing good will we ever experience until we get right with our own soul and learn to unconditionally love our own being with all of our faults and limitations.  

I feel this is the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven.  Self Love.  After we have arrived at self love, all other decisions we  make after that will be reflective of that love and suffering will greatly diminish.  Living in genuine self love will attract to us much more harmonious experiences in all areas of our lives.  We will find great freedom and peace of mind in this.  Furthermore, love is not dependent on physicality.  It is a bond that is not ever broken, not even in death and the transition into spirit.

Love is truth.  Love is forgiveness.  Love is acceptance of all of our experiences the good, the bad and the ugly.  Love is compassion for all of our life experiences. 

Start unconditionally loving yourself.  It offers the greatest protection on this planet.         



Sunday, December 14, 2014

The High Cost of Conscious Ignorance

In light of the fact that I have some downtime due to a flu kicking my ass, I thought that while I am laid up on my couch and drinking insane amounts of tea I would share some wisdom on the blog.  My intentions with these topics is to perhaps open up a new perspective within the reader so that they may perhaps become more willing to entertain some alternative thoughts/views that just may assist them in their journey here.     

There are some big things that will start or have already started to come into effect as a part of the cleansing that needs to occur here.  The Hopi call it the Great Purification.  Mother Earth has definitely not been given the admiration, LOVE, and respect she deserves by the children that have been here for eons and therefore she will ultimately preserve her own existence by what will look like catastrophic devastation to many.  As a matter of fact, some of the governmental systems on this planet know this is on its way and think that they can preserve their own human existence.  Seed vaults have been created, underground territories have been staked out and lots of money has been spent all on very futile efforts to think that they can save themselves.  The ONLY way one can save themselves is to live in alignment with Divine Love.  No one can hide from Karma.  Can you see how useless money will be when we are looking at a mass of X class flares hurling their way to this beautiful blue planet?  Or how about when the volcanos start to erupt? Are you going to think “oh shit and now WHY WHY WHY did I contribute so much to my 401K only for me to not live to spend it?”  That could be a very real scenario my friends.

We must immediately cease the service to self mentality, the opportunistic virus-like behavior and start living in harmony with our own soul, nature and Mother Earth.  NOT OUR PERSONALITY.  Consider the weather extremes, droughts, earthquakes and changes in animal behavior and you will have some idea of what more is to come.  Make no mistake guys, Nature will always win.  Always. 

I remember years ago when I came across the works of Dr. David Hawkins, who wrote Power vs. Force among many books and I consider his work to be of integrity, although I don’t agree with all of his opinions.  He created this map of consciousness that calibrated levels of states of being and essentially the take home point is that above the level of 200, which is the level of courage and integrity, its energy is constructive to life and below the level of 200 is destructive to life.  It was no surprise at all that the global calibration of consciousness on this planet was that 78% of humanity calibrated BELOW THE LEVEL OF 200.  Below the level of integrity, below the level of truth.  Is it any wonder then that all these systems that have been created here are backwards because they are just images put out there to make you believe you are cared for, protected and educated but really none of that is truth.  Education does not provide wisdom, religion does not promote spirituality, unconditional love or truth, healthcare does not heal or cure and the government/military do not protect its people.  In fact, most all of these systems have brainwashed the masses into believing that they do, that they NEED THEM and have thus created an unhealthy codependency on what does not work.  Most of these systems are highly corrupted and in need of an Earthly Norton antivirus to clean house.  This is not to say that there are not the rare souls of light who actually are genuine in those professions, however they are the minority and are usually very naïve and clueless about what is really going on here and thus subject themselves to the disharmonious energies of those who can and will capitalize off of their ignorance.      

I have been partaking in spiritual study for many years and have found that the more that I have faced my fears and demons, the more that I aligned with Truth, the more truth aligned up with me.  For our war is really among principles and principalities and the first war to be won is the war within the self.  There is a wonderful documentary called Awakening as One on Youtube that really hits on the better points of this inner Armageddon.   Things that would not ever cross the average mind on this planet cross mine on a frequent basis or have been part of my life experience.  I have found it very true that “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”, for if you were to be presented with the information before you were ready/willing to accept it or even fairly consider it you would discount it, attack it or make some kind of left brain excuse as to why this is not possible or true.  I was very connected to spirit when I was young, and could sense energy and read auras accurately.  But after years of seeking validation from my mother who never acknowledged it, in addition to a variety of other reasons I ended up suppressing this wonderful gift for many years.  I suffered dearly because of this.  Whenever I have let self-doubt come into my life, I have paid a very high price for it, usually in the form of suffering.  Our inner voice, that beautiful insight, is God’s gift to all of us, and sadly it seems that most eventually tune it out and tune into the cares of this world.  This is the disconnection.  The ignorance of this world has a way of seeming so real.  Albert Einstein has one of my favorite quotes:  Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”  We get so wrapped up in the daily dramas of life here, our pain, that we forget that there is much, much more to this existence of ours.  We are here to learn how to enhance our souls, which come from being committed to growth, to doing our own work and removing all hypocrisy.

 Spirit is calling for all of us to wake up, slow down, disconnect from the drama that is on this planet and hear.  Quiet your mind, tune in and reconnect to your Source.  Do the work of your Soul, and lessen the attachment to material things.  Ponder who you ARE without anything that you personally have assigned “value” to, for when seen in the proper perspective it’s all meaningless.    I personally believe its ok to enjoy material things, but do not ever let them define YOU or allow them to influence your self worth.  Most certainly don’t let them possess you.  You are so much more than anything this materialistic society could ever give you.  You are Divine Love.  And that goes with you when your time is up on this planet.  The degrees, the titles, the BMW, the coach handbag, the jewelry is not going, nor is Source going to care.  It always amazes me when one thinks that a person with more education is more worthy than someone who has the education from the school of life.  In the nursing profession it has been my observation that more education is not at all connected to a better nurse.  More education does not automatically condone that the nurse will be truthful, caring, compassionate and loving while in her role as a nurse.  That little piece of paper does not come with an automatic guarantee that those high qualities are present in the owner.

Who are you without any of your labels?  Who are you when seen through your soul’s perspective?  Who are you without your religion, your family roles, your peer’s opinion, your career role, your family’s opinion of you?  Who ARE YOU?  Define true VALUE and MEANING.  No matter how difficult it may be, to thine own self be true.  Ask this question of yourself daily.  Journal on it if you feel so inclined.     

That is the very important question that we should all be asking ourselves at this time on Earth.  The Bringer’s of the Dawn material states that since the systems on this Earth won’t be readily given up, they will be taken.  And this will be the catalyst for genuine change here, since it will encourage people to finally stand up for truth when everything is taken from them, and they feel that they have nothing left to lose.    

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Dangers of Suppression

A few years ago, when I started studying homeopathy, I started to realize the utter importance of not suppressing anything.  This was hard to wrap my neurons around at first, because I had been so brainwashed by my RN education and my very over used left brain.  But when I started to meditate more on the meaning of this, I was led to the many deeper truths that I embrace today. 

When we suppress ourselves, we are essentially playing with fire and we should be prepared for burns.  EVERYTHING IS ENERGY.  If you suppress anger, sadness, rage, shame, guilt or humiliation that you have over something or someone, if you don't find a way that works for you to release it, it will come back to haunt you.  Or more correctly, it will bring more stress, drama, or illness to your life.  Because that energy must find somewhere to go, and if you don't let it out it will cause a derangement of energies that you probably don't want to experience.  Unprocessed and unfelt emotions will kick your ass until you realize that you need to get that energy released. 

How, do I know all this?  Oh, I was the poster child for suppression.  My suppressions of deep sadness, grief, anger and shame all took its toll on me until crisis erupted in my life.  In the Tarot, one could say that it was a Tower card moment.  For a large part of my life, I lived in fear, and had titanic sized shame and guilt for many reasons and I attracted people into my life that would be an external validation of what I felt within.  From the time I was very young, I had been on the receiving end of molestation, incest and abuse.  Those who were in a position to protect me did not do so, and therefore I had no one I felt safe enough to talk to at that point in my life.  I swallowed it all down, and long story short, since I did not clear the family energetic crap I got it presented to me again in my marriage, which was to the absolute most loveless creature on this planet.  He is probably a direct descendent of Hitler or Lucifer and I thank the Universe that I finally started to love myself enough that I learned how to file for divorce in the library since I had no money.  Lessons are repeated until they are learned and its been my experience that they get bigger and more painful each time so that we can see that maybe the way we were going about living needs to be modified so it doesn't contribute to any further pain. Sadly, for most of us, learning our lessons has required pain to start to open up to a different perspective.  By being a little (or a lot) broken is not a failure, its actually how the LIGHT gets into our soul, scrubbing it clean, shining on all the dark places inside and restoring our peace and health eventually. 

The key to the kingdom is to first and foremost LOVE YOURSELF.  I have planned another post on only LOVE and the genuine meaning of it as I have been led to understanding, but it has been my observation that most of humanity does not truly know what genuine, authentic love is. When we love ourselves, we would not ever dream of doing anything that would be destructive.  We would allow ourselves the privilege of feeling whatever emotion is coming up for us and then release it and be done with it. 

Some things that have worked for me on clearing my lifetime of suppression are:
  • journaling, as recommended by the Artist's Way
  • art, as in watercolor, acrylics and drawing,
  • full on imaginary conversation with whomever I am at odds with to just let the steam out. 
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Homeopathy in mind potencies
  • walking in sunshine
  • absolutely never allow anyone else's opinion to have more weight than your own.
  • Yin Yoga
  • Self compassion
Touch for Health also has a wonderful technique in which one holds the Emotional Stress Relief points on the forehead while thinking of the issue and energy is released.  I hold mine frequently.  Frontal Occipital holding also works wonders for me.

Ponder this: your anger has been pushed down inside of you since around the age of 5.  You are now at age 33 and just had your first stroke or heart attack.  That dark energy you held onto, needed to get out and it saw the best route was through the heart or brain.

One of the most self compassionate things we can do for ourselves is to unsupress everything.  By doing so, we are being true to our own souls, and living in the light.  We are creating an environment that is conducive to healing and miracles. 

Scripture from Matthew 18:3:

Truly I tell you that unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

To me, I interpret this as seeing that children naturally say and do whatever is on their minds at the time.  The cry, scream, rant and cry harder.  If they have emotionally stable and healthy parents, they will allow the child to feel their feelings.  Usually children do not make rationalizations or excuses for anyone.  And they are letting it out of themselves as they feel NATURALLY GUIDED TO DO. 

The systems on this planet do not support healthy emotional release.  They have created all sorts of diagnostic labels to place on one who honors nature and allows themselves the right to feel their feelings.  Labels like depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.  How nice for our medical society to capitalize off of our pain and misery, eh? 

What if those "labels" were just unprocessed energy, either our own, or ancestral?  As stated before, everything is energy.  If the parents did not clear themselves of their suppressions, then it gets transferred down to their children and usually in a much bigger presentation.

The macrocosm is just a reflection of the microcosm.  Ponder the massive, world wide suppressions going on every single second of the day.  Is it any wonder then, that volcanos erupt, earthquakes happen, and tornados abound?  We have all contributed to this energetic release due to withholding the energy of the emotional experience.  I tend to resonate with this picture, and therefore won't be the least bit surprised when Yellowstone fully wakes up. 

For your soul's sake, make a commitment to yourself that you will start feeling all of your life, not just the good moments.  Embrace and integrate your darkness too.  Release it all so that it can be transmuted back into Love.  So many feel ashamed when they have anger or rage, as they have been conditioned to believe that its not spiritual to have these feelings.  God loves you for your anger.  It means you actually care about something.  Humans were designed to feel.  The problem comes from the years of piling up angry event on angry event until there is an emotional tsunami that needs to be unleashed, and usually that release is in some negative way very similar to an erupting volcano.   

Love yourself enough to feel it all and let it go!  You deserve liberation from the bondage that carrying these burdens present in your lives.




Sunday, December 7, 2014

Harvest of Energy

As we have just finished our Thanksgiving holiday, lately I have had the thought of the ongoing harvest of energy that has been going on this planet for a very long time.  I knew of it as a child, and could see how the EGO would seriously reduce one's light, as does FEAR, PITY, GUILT, SHAME and HUMILIATION.  Never did I want to think that there were actual creatures here, who have NO REGARD for humanity, and thus use humanity as an expendable food source.  Oh and by the way, they look just like you and me.  When one learns to read energy you will see the essence of what they are and its not pretty people.   

Sound too Sci-fi for you?  Well then maybe this blog of truth in all its forms is not for you, and you may be happier living in denial and finding something that feeds your need to live in ignorance, like a football game, mall shopping or reality show.

Or you could choose to wake up, keep your mind open, and realize that you as human are so not at the top of the food chain, and that there is much, much more you need to comprehend here on Earth, grasshopper.  This is not about fear, but about knowledge as power and facing your FEARS and thus limiting the food source, preserving your precious energy and becoming a SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY.

This is what is meant by starve the beast.  They have been here, these beasts, instilling all of the above emotions to feed off of you as well as to keep you highly controlled.  Sad news is that most souls are naïve and have NO IDEA that this ignorance is even going on.  Sadly, often the first place of this exposure is within one's own family.  That was my experience.  I had a completely OBLIVIOUS mother who believed whatever was told to her by those who were not of good energy (as I could clearly read energy as a child).  They manipulated her mind, capitalized off of her ignorance like it was a freaking smorgasbord to the point where she had no independent thought whatsoever.  As is the case with so many of my observations, these folks traded the truth for lies.  I cannot even begin to tell you how intense this all was for me during my childhood years.  My father and brother were not good souls and I have no problem calling them psychopathic. They absolutely hated women.  I remember one time asking my brother why this wonderful girlfriend he had was no longer with him and he said very clearly "because I couldn't hurt her."  What kind of thing says that?  From reading their energy I could see and feel the selfishness, greed and hatred.  My mother would not hear any of it.  She would attach herself to some notion of guilt that had been imposed onto her and this would rule her actions and shut off any independent thought.   Her misperceptions greatly hindered her as she ventured off into some freaking fantasy zone that had nothing to do with reality, one where I imagine she believed all people were good, that unicorns were real and everyday was Christmas.  All these people she had around her, that she called "friends" WERE NOT friends, but manipulators, liars and thieves.  They were filled with energies similar to my father and brother and she could not see it, sense it or believe it, for she had disconnected herself long ago from the divine source of information which we all are privy to.  She would not hear my pleas/warnings of telling her what I saw in them and those she thought were "friendly".  I remember one woman was such a monster, as she pretty much tortured her son, by making him dress up in girls' clothing when he was younger and demeaning his spirit.  Dr. Scott Peck, who wrote The People of the Lie and The Road Less Traveled, stated that evil is anything which seeks to kill the spirit.  Years later, when I confronted my mother on this woman, of whom she had "reconnected" with she said something to the extent that "everyone deserves to be forgiven".

Oh really?  I am personally thinking of how this mother of mine never forgave a single thing in her life, as she made it her life's work to not feel anything.  Instead she practiced the fine art of self deception, denial and making rationalizations/excuses for the horrible behaviors of herself and others.  One cannot practice forgiveness if one does not ever feel. 

Oh people.  "My father's house has many mansions."  Do you understand the true meaning of that? 

I cannot begin to tell you the years and energy I wasted trying to get my mother to see clearly, to finally open up to reality and see the ugly TRUTH that was right in front of her face.  The years, the immense heartache, the ocean of tears and the effort I spent actually trying to save her from herself.  It never mattered. 

It would take far too long to go into details of how this was all forced onto me just because I was her daughter and as a child under her insanity of "care".  Now that I am much older, fully fearless, free to validate my own thoughts and feelings instead of needing external validation, I have chosen not to have anything to do with her energy.  I forgave her of her ignorance, but this does not guarantee protection from her broken mind which is not her own, and I will not expose myself to it ever again.   We have a right, to advocate for and protect ourselves, even if it happens to be from our own family.  We have a right to hold people ACCOUNTABLE and call them on their shit.  I think one of the many reasons that the level of ignorance has gotten to where it is today, is because people do not live their lives with enough integrity or genuine love, and therefore do not have any AUTHORITY to correct anyone.  Imagine trying to teach someone the importance of not smoking, while you got a lit cigarette in your mouth.  That's hypocrisy, and there is NO AUTHORITY in hypocrisy.  "First take the speck out of your own eye."

The good news is that you can change that very quickly.  While it is not easy to live with integrity here, on this beautiful planet that has all its systems running backwards, it is utterly important to do so for your soul's sake.  It will be the only protection you have with what is coming up in the very near future. 

When you live in the energies of guilt, shame, humiliation you are placing yourself at the mercy of those who feed on them.  You become like a bright beacon saying "Hey, over here!  I got all this guilt and shame and are you hungry?"

This should be enough motivation for you to clear yourself of those lower vibrational energies that keep you BOUND, by forgiving yourself first.  The God I understand, never said you must carry all the guilt and shame around with you forever.  The Source says, "Oh, you finally learned to not do that.  Come home.  I love you.  You are forgiven."

It is the ridiculous law of little man that he thinks one must carry around these burdens forever.  Actually, we are in violation of natural law if we do so.  And don't think for one moment that the psychopaths are feeling any guilt, shame or humiliation.  They pretty much have NO CONSCIENCE and feel nothing.  Evil is very, very real people.  And it is your choice that can either protect you from it or subject you to it, although that is mostly done unconsciously.

Choose not to feed the beast.  Instead, focus on the harvesting of your own heart and soul, by living in integrity, facing truth, removing hypocrisy, eliminating self deception, becoming independent in thought and doing your shadow work.  Make it so that no beast can even get close to you. 

The LIGHT is asking for your help.  Answer the call. 



Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Welcome to my new Blog!

Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and come sit with me for a moment.  I am very glad you are here.  This place will be all about unleashing what has been kept inside of me, how to heal, how to grow, how to live mindfully, consciously, in harmony with nature and how to be your own authority.  Sharing with you my ideas on personal empowerment, sovereignty and the grand importance of independent thought.  

I have made a commitment that I will no longer suppress myself for any reason.  What the hoohey is normal anyway, for it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to an inherently sick society, and that my friends, is EXACTLY what we have here at this time.  A profoundly sick society, that has essentially forgotten how to live in HARMONY with nature, how to pay attention to the messages our bodies are sending us and to learn from those messages and how to hear that still small voice that is within us all just waiting for us to listen to it.  

By incorporating truths from many different areas and texts, over the next weeks I will share with you some of my interpretations and universal downloads of those messages.  Feel free to integrate what resonates with you and leave what does not.  There will be no force here.  Only gentle guidance, LOVE, TRUTH and my genuine compassion for the human condition as well as my personal understanding of what it felt like to be totally lost, profoundly sad, stuck in grief with an inability to let go, combined with feelings of helplessness in a society that has seemingly lost its ability to care, nurture and inspire.  It has resorted to leaping off into the land of the insane, but you do not have to follow if you don't desire.  Oh how I have so much to say on those topics!

I do not believe in accidents or circumstance.  All is law and order when one is seeing from the proper perspective and so you are here for a reason.  Maybe it is to share, maybe it is to learn, maybe it is to connect, maybe it is to find out what exactly you are not ready to contemplate at this time.  There is no right or wrong with whatever you choose.  My hopes for this blog are:
  • Mature discussion on deep spiritual topics
  • finding those that I may be able to assist
  • connecting with others of a like mind
  • feeling completely free to be ME and share all I believe in without hesitation!
  • Dissemination of information on natural healing modalities that I have come to utilize, study or use in my practice. 
  • How to integrate your shadow and accept all of you just as you are.
  • Education on healing modalities that I am familiar with and use like homeopathy, aromatherapy, herbs, energy medicine, EFT, acupressure, art journaling, ect. 
I am looking forward to a long future together and wish you many blessings.  Have a wonderful week my Luv Bugs!

Ruth Ann