Friday, December 19, 2014

Love Defined

It has been my observation for many years that most humans on this planet use the word love incorrectly.  They do not come close to the comprehension of genuine, authentic love, but rather more of a lust/desire for something.  The word itself has been inappropriately used for a long time here, much as the word God has been misused and therefore the subject of much debate.  My intention with this post is to share my opinion and hopefully provide you the reader with a new perspective that you may be open to consider for your own life experience.

Take for a moment to pondering what you think love means.  More likely than not, you may attach what you learned in childhood to how you define love and its probably conditional.  "I will love you if you give me this, or buy me this, or do this for me."  Not love.  That, unfortunately is bondage and more like a hostage situation for you, for it keeps you in the never ending cycle of conditional "love".  In my own family I can not even begin to explain the ignorance that dominated and looking back with my understanding of things now, was not anything even close to love.  It was more of a game of pity, hatred and horrible, horrible attacks to break the spirit and great emotional and physical pain.  Ultimately all of this ignorance would progress to actual manifested dis-ease. 

Love does not judge.  Love unconditionally accepts you.  Love is the only energy that offers genuine healing, or for that matter protection.  Love is an actual state of being.  By operating from a place of Divine Love, one gains Spiritual Authority.  One has the power then to hold all others ACCOUNTABLE for their ignorance.  What I see happen often is that folks are not operating from love, but rather from fear, guilt, shame, self pity and therefore they suffer greatly. 

I had asthma horribly as a child.  Not surprising, since now I can see the relationship between the energetic disturbance and the profound sadness my soul was feeling manifested in this way through my lungs.  In Chinese medicine, the lungs are an area that is related to grief and sadness, and since I was already in the boat of suppressing my truths even then, it expressed itself as the energetic, physical derangement in the form of asthma.  Many, many times I would wake up, unable to breathe and my mother would be at work.  I would try to wake up my father and all he ever did was flip me the bird.  I was around the age of seven at that time.  I would sit on my bedroom floor, with every breath feeling like I was trying to accomplish it with a ton of pressure like an oppressive band around my entire thoracic area and just try to wait for my mother to arrive home to take me to the hospital.  I remember her mentioning to me how on one occasion she came home from work on the night shift and found me blue.  My father was still sleeping.  I was taken to the ER and they informed her that my oxygenation was far below what was considered acceptable.  This however, did not ever influence her enough to not leave me in the care of my incompetent, pathological father after that.

I mention this for the following reasons.  Asthma affected a large part of my life up until I learned to unconditionally LOVE MYSELF ENOUGH to follow through with divorce and make other necessary changes in my life.  It was amazing the transformation.  I used to wake up frequently to use an inhaler nearly every single night.  Not long after leaving my ex husband I have not had any reason to ever use an inhaler again.   

Children give away their power so freely, out of their naïve nature and trusting personality.  Someone buys them a new desired thing, and they make that person a "God" and just donate some free energy to them.  There are many deranged energies on this planet who know the vast pureness of energy in children and they do all they can to extract that light.  These creatures are unable to generate their own energy, since they do NOT operate from a state of love and therefore steal it from the unaware or the young and/or naïve. 

Family conditioning for me was largely a factor as well.  Those I was around operated from a place of pity, feeling sorry for people including their own selves which kept them locked in a very low vibration making them easy predation for those who operate in those dimensions.  This behavior was also FORCED onto  me as a child.  For example, I had a younger brother who for a variety of reasons could not get himself together and live his life with truth and integrity.  My mother and her mother repeatedly would bail him out of whatever jam he was in, only to ultimately be used and manipulated.  This would result in their having anger over some thing he had done, and yet they placed themselves in this position since they personally defined love as having to do something rather than holding him genuinely accountable and calling him on his nonsense.  Also, because they did not do their own work, clearing out their shadow material, they were imposed upon frequently and taken advantage of by darker forces.

Feeling sorry or having pity for anyone is not loving at all and yet this is what goes on all over the globe every single day.  Out of some distorted perceptions that were/are based on incomplete beliefs/opinions they had taken on as truth they set themselves to be slaves to ignorance. They incorrectly applied those lower vibrations rather than genuine love.  Genuine love does not ever diminished the spirit, and does NOT mean that we have to all martyr ourselves in the process of "loving" another.  Rather it asks us to save ourselves, do our own work first and then set about correcting others from a place of love rather than judgment.  So many are out there trying to save everybody else from themselves instead of doing their own work.  Their is no authority in this as we cannot ever give something to another that we have not first given to ourselves. 

Another area that this causes drama in is in marriages.  You are probably aware of the high divorce rate in this country.  Perhaps this is because we are seeking something outside of ourselves to complete us rather than starting with perfect self love initially.  In reality nothing good will we ever experience until we get right with our own soul and learn to unconditionally love our own being with all of our faults and limitations.  

I feel this is the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven.  Self Love.  After we have arrived at self love, all other decisions we  make after that will be reflective of that love and suffering will greatly diminish.  Living in genuine self love will attract to us much more harmonious experiences in all areas of our lives.  We will find great freedom and peace of mind in this.  Furthermore, love is not dependent on physicality.  It is a bond that is not ever broken, not even in death and the transition into spirit.

Love is truth.  Love is forgiveness.  Love is acceptance of all of our experiences the good, the bad and the ugly.  Love is compassion for all of our life experiences. 

Start unconditionally loving yourself.  It offers the greatest protection on this planet.         



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