Sunday, December 14, 2014

The High Cost of Conscious Ignorance

In light of the fact that I have some downtime due to a flu kicking my ass, I thought that while I am laid up on my couch and drinking insane amounts of tea I would share some wisdom on the blog.  My intentions with these topics is to perhaps open up a new perspective within the reader so that they may perhaps become more willing to entertain some alternative thoughts/views that just may assist them in their journey here.     

There are some big things that will start or have already started to come into effect as a part of the cleansing that needs to occur here.  The Hopi call it the Great Purification.  Mother Earth has definitely not been given the admiration, LOVE, and respect she deserves by the children that have been here for eons and therefore she will ultimately preserve her own existence by what will look like catastrophic devastation to many.  As a matter of fact, some of the governmental systems on this planet know this is on its way and think that they can preserve their own human existence.  Seed vaults have been created, underground territories have been staked out and lots of money has been spent all on very futile efforts to think that they can save themselves.  The ONLY way one can save themselves is to live in alignment with Divine Love.  No one can hide from Karma.  Can you see how useless money will be when we are looking at a mass of X class flares hurling their way to this beautiful blue planet?  Or how about when the volcanos start to erupt? Are you going to think “oh shit and now WHY WHY WHY did I contribute so much to my 401K only for me to not live to spend it?”  That could be a very real scenario my friends.

We must immediately cease the service to self mentality, the opportunistic virus-like behavior and start living in harmony with our own soul, nature and Mother Earth.  NOT OUR PERSONALITY.  Consider the weather extremes, droughts, earthquakes and changes in animal behavior and you will have some idea of what more is to come.  Make no mistake guys, Nature will always win.  Always. 

I remember years ago when I came across the works of Dr. David Hawkins, who wrote Power vs. Force among many books and I consider his work to be of integrity, although I don’t agree with all of his opinions.  He created this map of consciousness that calibrated levels of states of being and essentially the take home point is that above the level of 200, which is the level of courage and integrity, its energy is constructive to life and below the level of 200 is destructive to life.  It was no surprise at all that the global calibration of consciousness on this planet was that 78% of humanity calibrated BELOW THE LEVEL OF 200.  Below the level of integrity, below the level of truth.  Is it any wonder then that all these systems that have been created here are backwards because they are just images put out there to make you believe you are cared for, protected and educated but really none of that is truth.  Education does not provide wisdom, religion does not promote spirituality, unconditional love or truth, healthcare does not heal or cure and the government/military do not protect its people.  In fact, most all of these systems have brainwashed the masses into believing that they do, that they NEED THEM and have thus created an unhealthy codependency on what does not work.  Most of these systems are highly corrupted and in need of an Earthly Norton antivirus to clean house.  This is not to say that there are not the rare souls of light who actually are genuine in those professions, however they are the minority and are usually very naïve and clueless about what is really going on here and thus subject themselves to the disharmonious energies of those who can and will capitalize off of their ignorance.      

I have been partaking in spiritual study for many years and have found that the more that I have faced my fears and demons, the more that I aligned with Truth, the more truth aligned up with me.  For our war is really among principles and principalities and the first war to be won is the war within the self.  There is a wonderful documentary called Awakening as One on Youtube that really hits on the better points of this inner Armageddon.   Things that would not ever cross the average mind on this planet cross mine on a frequent basis or have been part of my life experience.  I have found it very true that “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”, for if you were to be presented with the information before you were ready/willing to accept it or even fairly consider it you would discount it, attack it or make some kind of left brain excuse as to why this is not possible or true.  I was very connected to spirit when I was young, and could sense energy and read auras accurately.  But after years of seeking validation from my mother who never acknowledged it, in addition to a variety of other reasons I ended up suppressing this wonderful gift for many years.  I suffered dearly because of this.  Whenever I have let self-doubt come into my life, I have paid a very high price for it, usually in the form of suffering.  Our inner voice, that beautiful insight, is God’s gift to all of us, and sadly it seems that most eventually tune it out and tune into the cares of this world.  This is the disconnection.  The ignorance of this world has a way of seeming so real.  Albert Einstein has one of my favorite quotes:  Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”  We get so wrapped up in the daily dramas of life here, our pain, that we forget that there is much, much more to this existence of ours.  We are here to learn how to enhance our souls, which come from being committed to growth, to doing our own work and removing all hypocrisy.

 Spirit is calling for all of us to wake up, slow down, disconnect from the drama that is on this planet and hear.  Quiet your mind, tune in and reconnect to your Source.  Do the work of your Soul, and lessen the attachment to material things.  Ponder who you ARE without anything that you personally have assigned “value” to, for when seen in the proper perspective it’s all meaningless.    I personally believe its ok to enjoy material things, but do not ever let them define YOU or allow them to influence your self worth.  Most certainly don’t let them possess you.  You are so much more than anything this materialistic society could ever give you.  You are Divine Love.  And that goes with you when your time is up on this planet.  The degrees, the titles, the BMW, the coach handbag, the jewelry is not going, nor is Source going to care.  It always amazes me when one thinks that a person with more education is more worthy than someone who has the education from the school of life.  In the nursing profession it has been my observation that more education is not at all connected to a better nurse.  More education does not automatically condone that the nurse will be truthful, caring, compassionate and loving while in her role as a nurse.  That little piece of paper does not come with an automatic guarantee that those high qualities are present in the owner.

Who are you without any of your labels?  Who are you when seen through your soul’s perspective?  Who are you without your religion, your family roles, your peer’s opinion, your career role, your family’s opinion of you?  Who ARE YOU?  Define true VALUE and MEANING.  No matter how difficult it may be, to thine own self be true.  Ask this question of yourself daily.  Journal on it if you feel so inclined.     

That is the very important question that we should all be asking ourselves at this time on Earth.  The Bringer’s of the Dawn material states that since the systems on this Earth won’t be readily given up, they will be taken.  And this will be the catalyst for genuine change here, since it will encourage people to finally stand up for truth when everything is taken from them, and they feel that they have nothing left to lose.    

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