Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's All Just so Temporary

From the time we enter onto this planet we begin our descent to death.  For some, that could take a hundred years, for other mere seconds.  Irregardless of either circumstance, it is the quality of those precious moments, whether they are decades or seconds that matter more than the quantity of time.  Time is an illusion anyway.  When I used to teach a meditation program in a prison near me, one of my students put it this way:

Time is a man made creation and then we just spend the rest of our lives chasing it.

So, then it is not the amount of time that gives anything more meaning.  Let me use a life example of my own to explain:

I have two boys, and both of them have had their challenges in various ways.  My youngest has a brain tumor and I cannot tell you how much I fought against this....ignorance physicians, a very sick child, lack of attention to alternative therapies by traditional modalities, ecetera.  It nearly ended my life, because I was not mindful of how to stay balanced in such an extreme test of love, and preserve my own energy while advocating gracefully for my child.  In all, I tried to control everything, because all the ignorance made me very angry and I kept thinking if I just fight harder my son and I will win.  This drained me.  Every millisecond felt like an eternity and all I did was suffer.  In the back of my mind was always the thought , "we will get through this and you will live a long life and all will be well."  In essence, what I wanted was more time with him here on Earth.  I personally feel now that this was out of fear and selfishness, for I truly know now that life does not ever end and as I had wrote in a previous post when I was at my lowest point I asked God to tell me how my human mind could accept his death, if that is what was to be.  I heard very clearly:

"Nothing, not even death, can destroy the bond of love."   

So really, more time was not the matter, but rather authentically loving him enough so that when death does arrive, as it does for all of us, I would grieve, but know that there honestly was not any way I could have loved him more.  There has been great freedom in my realizing this, but it took great suffering to arrive at this understanding.  

Society has been so conditioned to think more is always better.  It is a false perception that is filling a void that should and can only be adequately filled with the love of God.  All else is compensation for it.  Little by little, if you don't remain true to your own soul, lesser energies come in and try to take over until you are so distracted, sick and disillusioned that you may give up caring at all.  Just look around you and see all the compensation people are partaking in: brand name this, high society that, bigger homes, bigger cars, classy location to reside in, you get the idea.  I can usually tell how little one thinks of themselves by how much compensation they are partaking in.  The less genuine love one has inside, the more they are turned towards the outer world which can and never will fill that void.

All of those things I just mentioned are also so transient, and can be taken from one in a flash.  Then who are they, without their things?  What then gives their lives meaning?

With all the Earth changes that are coming, time is now irrelevant.  It is now wise to make every single moment have meaning by filling it with genuine love, so that when the changes come, you could not have loved yourself or others any more.  Then you will realize the great freedom in LETTING GO.  I admit this was not one of my finer points, but after suffering enough to sincerely want to change my perspective, I can now see that the more I let go, the more grace I have. 

May you all have a peacefully filled week of letting go of all that binds you!

You are loved.


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