Thursday, April 30, 2015

There is Nowhere Left to Run Except Inside Yourself

Industrial civilization is coming to an end.  Sadly, it has turned much of the human population into money grabbing robots who have little concern for the cause and effect of their choices and their chief impetus has been "how can I earn more."  More....more......more....more.....more.  When is enough finally enough?  When will you have enough to then start genuinely caring about others, instead of partaking in all this selfishness?  Souls are very sick here, and they have been further capitalized off of by the feeding their egos, the false self, to make them feel worthy.  Worthiness can only ever come from within.  Until then, you will be playing this draining game of seeking your worth from outside yourself until either you are dead or you decide to change your perspective.  

What the harvesting and use of fossil fuels have done to this planet not many care to research nor find the truth of the matter.  If you have found this blog, then I have no doubt you have aligned up with truth.  The truth of the matter is that they have killed Mother Earth.  Guy Mcpherson has done this work already and is very accurate in his assessment of this dire situation.  As he states, "Earth is on Hospice."  I have felt this for a long time, even before coming across his work.  I will be adding a video post from another wonderful person who took her own personal time to create a very well constructed work on what man made global pollution has done to the Artic, and how very soon we shall be reaping what we have sown.  There are gigatons of methane just waiting to come out of the frozen ice and kick our ass back to realizing that EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED, and that there are major consequences to our choices.

It is interesting how humans have thought that they could outwit nature.  What this really means is that they have been compensating, but not really getting the true gist that they need to stop being so damn greedy.  Stop making everything about money and start caring about ALL LIVING THINGS and aligning back with Nature.

I actually feel that the animals are much smarter than us.  They live according to Nature's Plan, in harmony with what is around them.  They leave no trashy footprint like humans do, so when they are done with what ever food they are eating it is given back to the Earth to decompose and add nutrients to the soil.  They fertilize with their droppings.  They are rarely sick ( I am not speaking of your pets, which are civilized as much as humans and therefore take on the same disharmonious states as what energies they are around). Great danger, struggle and striving comes to those who live far away from Nature.  

Just look at our current food conditions: I actually consider it an insult to humanity, for it is not food.  And then because food could not be grown quickly enough all kinds of evil came in like monsanto (monsatan) and round up ready crops and food FORCED to grow out of its season.  

Nothing lasts that has been achieved through force.  

When the last tree has been cut down, 
the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, 
you will then know that you cannot eat money.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and yet how many have no idea what that means.  They look around, and label events as random and coincidental, and fail to acknowledge their own contributions to the dire situation.  However, the Lord always has the final say, and very soon we shall see the day of the Lord here.  To many it is going to look catastrophic.  To others who have a perfect perspective will see it as the result of cause and effect and human unconsciousness. 

Personally, I am willing and ready to face what is coming, for I know WHO I belong to, and have no fear for the soul is eternal and goes on.  

References for Healing and coping in the coming times:

Work by Paul R. Ehrlich PhD
Work by Carolyn Baker, PhD
Book: The Second Coming of Christ The Ressurection of the Christ With You:Paramahansa Yogananda

Now is the time to stop and find what is SACRED.  Your soul is counting on you.

You are greatly loved.


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