Monday, April 13, 2015

Connection to Spirit

Many years ago, when I was still in the prison of a horrible, horrible marriage, I had reconnected to my love of God through meditation.  This did not make the beast that I was married to happy at all and I started to recognize fear on his face.  At the time, I was going through so many extremely difficult challenges, and I did not reflect on what would be causing this in him.  Only years later did I recognize that those who are in service to satan, as being the cowards that they are, hide in the light of God and attempt to feed off of that light for as long as they can, for they know that the deeds they partake in do not generate any energy that is worthy of sustaining life.  They project false images that so many easily deceived, hypnotized and naïve folk buy into, since they are not of a sovereign mind, do not question things, and usually have great amounts of self doubt and unworthiness (which quite frankly is how satan gets his hooks in.).  They feed off of that light by keep one in fear, guilt, shame, humiliation and unforgiveness. 


Oh, but there are so many who don't want you to know this because it would not end well for them if the majority of folks found this out. 

And there in became my impetus to file for my own divorce by learning how to do so in a library.  The deceit that was projected by this ex husband to most of those I had to have contact with was amazing and he deserves an academy award for all his efforts.  He shall only receive the rewards of man, as in the scripture "verily I say unto you that they have their reward."  I feel no need to explain myself to any of them and if they choose to believe in lies, rather than making an informed, sovereign decision themselves well then they have much deeper concerns and maybe they should be doing their own work rather than offering up any judgment of me (or anyone else for that matter) based on an incomplete picture of the whole story which only leads to a prison of misperception.

So many are living in prisons of misperception today, and are offering up judgment based upon lies.   

It was so worth everything I went through though because now I am sovereign and committed completely to God.  It would be a HUGE understatement to say that any of this was an easy road.  But I can say that once I have reached the other side, what I feel is THE PROMISED LAND, because I am living in love, truth and devotion to God now which is where I rightfully belong.  Our most precious resource is not fossil fuels (which are killing this planet by the way) but our ability to have conscious, independent thought, as well as discerning lies from truth. 

All of this is an extremely condensed version of my life in hell, which had been going on since my entrance onto this planet. 

So one day, prior to my divorce, I was vacuuming and praising God.  I was feeling such gratitude from knowing that after years of suffering neglect, emotional abuse and pain, I was truly loved and adored by Him (I choose this gender only out of convenience, for God is ALL), and stated to him that if I had to I would die for Him.  This was a statement made out of my genuine love of God, not some feeling of needing to die.  What happened next has changed my whole life and even as I type this out for you, I am getting goose bumps again, which are my truth meter telling me that we are in full on truth.

I heard, very clearly, in my right ear, "I would rather you live for me."  OH. MY. GOD.

I don't know how I didn't faint.  I had been communicating with Spirit for a long time, but there were long moments of my life where I had become distracted and disconnected and had severed that connection.  But here it was again, LOUD AND CLEAR. 

Then I heard, "You will live so others shall learn." 

I had no idea what was meant by that, until now.  There are things going on here that most never see.  Nothing is as it really seems and if you are not outraged then you are probably not awake.  I am here to share, through writing, all that I have been made aware of over the years.  What you do with that information is up to you.  No one will force you to believe it.  But at least I am finally living my purpose and being true to my own soul by putting the information out there so that others can be led to it when they are ready. 

If you are here, then you should know that we are going to fall down the rabbit hole together, and it is not always going to be easy, but if you are willing to do the work, your soul will thank you.  You came upon this information because you were ready for it.  I do not claim to have it all figured out, for no one soul has that ability; we all only offer pieces to a much larger puzzle.  So in between writing the book I am working on, I shall share some insights that have come to me over the years with the genuine hope that you too will find your own way to transcend all the ignorance and become a warrior in genuine light, and being true to your soul. 

Have a blessed week my Friends.  You are greatly Loved!   

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