Monday, April 6, 2015

Consider this

I was journaling this morning and some information came to me that I thought I would share for your consideration. 

To give you a little background, I had to do a thesis paper on the Holocaust many years ago, and it gave me nightmares.  From the research I had done, the pictures I had seen and the truth of the fact that satan is real and demons are operating through people hit me hard.  The pictures of the starving children, some placed in piles from having expired or close to it deeply affected me.  Victor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning is profound inspiration after having endured the hell.  The statement on an entrance to a camp says "Work makes you Free" is a horrendous attribute to the evil that promotes slavery of souls.  I have not even begun to mention the horrors of the medical experiments, how they made lampshades out of human skin, and injected eyes in an effort to find the perfect shade of blue.  Twins suffered horribly.  Eugenics was a huge player in this whole disturbing thing.

I find it very hard to imagine how others who followed orders of this evil thing.  How could any soul believe that the forced suffering of another living thing is ok?  But then I remember, there is an energy here, that adores the suffering of others, because it feeds off of it.  Unable to generate their own energy, they do all they can to promote suffering, fear, pain, ect to create the energetic buffet that sustains them.  This is otherwise known as FEEDING THE BEAST.  Interestingly enough, they look human, but are energetically nothing of the sort.  "Take heed lest no one deceive you" are wise words that will only contribute to your being awake and aware and in protection, for they FLEE from truth and love.

The days of the old testament have also not been transcended, for those days lived with the need for sacrifice.  Now it is legalized sacrifice to send off souls to war and this has been brainwashed into the majority of the minds on this planet that it is a "honorable thing" to do.  Negative.  It's foolish.  I personally would not ever ask another soul to put his/her life before mine.  I hold myself accountable in living a life of truth and integrity so that I can expect that no life will need to be taken for my existence, and the LORD shall protect me.  Over eons, if one were to review history, you would arrive at the conclusion that war has not ever solved anything and is usually started based on an incomplete perspective of the real issue.  Add to that some folks who love money more than they value human life and you have the recipe for disaster.  War is the result of an immature consciousness, that thinks money and perceived power matter.  And then they get together and send more children off to war, where they have to see and partake in horrible things and then if they survive let them come back and try to function.  I could discuss this for hours, but I am sure by now you get the point.      

With that, I remember having a conversation with a woman, and out of my mouth came the statement close to this: "the people in the US think they are free, but they are nothing close to it.  In Germany they had registration numbers tattooed onto their person, over here we have Social Security numbers."  SS numbers.  Are you seeing the relevance?  The evil essence that was in Germany running the horrendous show has not been overcome.  Interestingly enough, how kind was it of the US to escort some of the crazy with a side of crazy right on over into this country under the name of Project Paperclip.

This is the result of massive ignorance.  No need for me to recreate the wheel here, since I have found others who have done a superb job in getting the message across:

Naomi Wolf: The End of America

She hits on so many great points of what constitutes a closing society.  I for one am personally thankful that there are those like her on this planet who put the truth out there no matter what.

Then check this one out, as he hits on many points that most don't ever consider, because they are living in prisons of perception. 

Paul T. Hellyer


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