Why would Jesus say in Matthew 5:44 "love your enemies, bless those that persecute you"? Can he be SERIOUS, you may think after briefly reflecting on all the transgressions and violations that have happened in your life. This must not mean ME, otherwise he would know that what hell I personally have been through is so deep a pain(s) that is too evil to be forgiven is the answer you may rationalize to yourself for not abiding in this instruction.
I know exactly what you mean. With all the extreme ignorance that I have survived in this life, (and might I add previous ones) with more ignorance transcended every day, I too thought he can't mean that this specifically applies to me. How is it that he could have the nerve to ask me to forgive and then BLESS those who have hurt me? Is he on glue? Were the mule fumes interfering with his thought processes? Maybe he didn't drink enough holy water for his neurons to synapse correctly. Better yet, maybe this was just a poor interpretation by the scribes.
Ahhhhhhhhhh. But thank the LORD that my own ignorance of what was/is really implied here was overlooked and patience was extended to me while I worked out the understanding. It took about 44 years in this life to arrive there, with all kinds of horrific detours along the road. But I arrived at the destination God intended with a sound mind that is Sovereign, under the authority of only God and grateful for the GRACE that I live in.
Hatred, anger, rage, despair, revenge, hostility, and the like are all emotional conditions that are fine if one is allowed to have the opportunity for healthy expression of them. It is when they are harbored or suppressed, then more added on top of them that an emotional tsunami comes out eventually and it's not usually a pretty sight. Worse than the first thirty minutes of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" if you ask me. Make no MISTAKE, there are little evil psychopaths running around all over this planet, there are probably 5 of them within a 2 minute distance from you right at this moment, and they are preying on making you feel those things because they know it drains you and is sustenance for them. They make it their mission to find your personal buttons and push them as much as they can when they want to extract from you this essence. Everything here is all about energy people. Stop paying so much attention to the IMAGES and feel the truth of what is really going on. Become CONSCIOUS of where you are donating your energy and govern its use wisely.
Back to the scripture. So when presented with one of the minions, and its now apparent to you that they are in game mode to find a button of yours to push, instead of being provoked, you are calm since you have secretly been working on removing all of your buttons so that there are none left to push. Now its bored and hungry and it goes away trying to find some other naive soul it can feed on.
What happens though to many of us, is that long after an incident of transgression has occurred, our minds will replay it over and over and the emotions felt are the same as when it was first experienced. This is an extremely destructive process, and you better believe that satan and his coward self is aware of how you and your mind work. It's his number one target to use against you. So with every memory of the violation, you are draining yourself further and feeding the beast. BUT, when you realize that this is your CHOICE, you then can choose to partake in a thought that will STRENGTHEN you, which comes from blessing your enemies. This is not in any way saying that what they did was OK. Quite the contrary my friend. What this will do is offer you the protection you never knew you had, and it will hold them ACCOUNTABLE for their ignorance as only love can through the application of divine justice through the LORD. You release the LORD to go about and make all your crooked places straight when you bless those who curse and persecute you. When you live in this manner, with love, forgiveness and blessing you then are extended divine GRACE that will make your life beautiful. Beauty comes from TRUTH.
Again, I feel the need to remind you that you do not need to go about doing anything other than genuinely loving and blessing them. No compensatory acts that they are not grateful for are necessary. Furthermore, if you decide that it's not healthy to be near this person, that too is your decision and does not affect your ability to extend love to them, as love is not dependent on time, space or physicality. Do not feel you need to be a door mat, always nice, quiet and people pleasing. You have a divine right to advocate for yourself. Unfortunately today, so very many are not in full possession of themselves or their own minds and therefore are not healthy to be around.
So, maybe this week you will afford yourself the opportunity to start working on removing your buttons, casting the burden, blessing your enemies and ultimately finding Grace. I am here praying for your success in all of this spiritual warfare, and I would like for you to know it is truly worth your efforts. No matter how ugly things may appear, God is victorious and that means you are victorious.
Then you will be a contributor to the raising of the frequency on this planet, which is also what will genuinely help things to change here.
Have a beautiful week!
You are greatly loved.
The place where I will unleash whatever is on my mind with the genuine hope that my life experience will assist others to seek God, heal, and become victorious!
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
What You Really Are
The coward is always going around this Earth, like a roaring lion, trying to extract all the energy it can from humans because it is UNABLE to generate its own, which is only achieved through Love. Being such a weak thing, it preys on the naive and unconscious souls who have mostly been hypnotized by the Lie, fall into fear rapidly and become easy targets like baby deer in the wild. So many souls here are walking around as hostages through their ignorance and violation of spiritual law. They are easily led to buy into the Lie and have no idea that this world is all backwards until they wake up their soul, take back their mind and exercise the spiritual authority that only Christ can provide.
Humanity has forgotten that Spirit always trumps matter. It has fallen into the service of the personality rather than the soul. Humans, contrary to majority belief, are not at the top of the food chain here, and just as we might swat the life out of a fly there are minions of satan who think the same of us.
The deceiver will use all it can to weaken you and it has a toolbox full of effective modalities. When I started to study energy medicine, I could easily see how a lie weakens a body just as the truth strengthens it. This is visibly demonstrated through kinesiology. So, the devil, knowing this, will do all it can to get you into either living or believing in a lie for then you are easily controlled and his slave.
The same is true for these energies: shame, guilt, humiliation, fear and anger. I remember being very little and could easily see how so called "adults" were manipulating children through all of those means and even at that young age I thought how very sad this is. Those energies contribute to the destruction of our physical being, and can perpetuate illness if not addressed fully.
Yet, at any moment when we decide we have had enough of the lie, we can change our mind and take back our power instead of feeding the beast. We can serve Love and Forgiveness knowing the Lord shall and will provide all that we ever would need. We can set up our free will to serve us rather than contribute to our destruction, and then whatever may attempt to violate your free will can be divinely dealt with as this is a huge spiritual violation. Maybe then, we could see that the real problem is not simply the magnitude of evil here, but rather OUR contribution/slavery to it by living in the lie and resorting to fear out of service to a personality that is ever so temporary and not a true radiance of what you really are.
What you really are is Forgiven. What you really are is Beautiful. What you really are is Love. What you really are is Free. What you really are is Creative. What you really are is Worthy. What you really are is Divine.
Stop donating your precious energy to evil and learn the wonderful benefits of human energy conservation. Instead of draining your energy in a fight with an adversary, why not consider saying "if you say so." Agreeing with thy adversary is not becoming a doormat and it is not admitting they are right. It is essentially the way to stop donating your energy to something that probably is hungry and wants to feed off of you.
Furthermore, start believing the truth about yourself and get on your own side. There is absolutely nothing that you could have done or has been done to you that would make God stop loving you. NOTHING. But maybe you have WRONGLY accused and judged yourself and thus resorted to living in the lower vibrations of guilt, shame, fear and humiliation. This does not serve you and it does not serve God. Get up. Get up and dust yourself off right now and know WHO YOU ARE. Without any need or seeking for external validation. It's not needed when one knows and accepts who they really are. Realize that it is ONLY the opinion of God that matters most and that his opinion is always going to be expressed from a foundation of Divine Love for you.
Nature does not judge. Man does.
Temet Nosce. Then you will truly know Freedom.
Beautiful Souls You are Greatly Loved!
Humanity has forgotten that Spirit always trumps matter. It has fallen into the service of the personality rather than the soul. Humans, contrary to majority belief, are not at the top of the food chain here, and just as we might swat the life out of a fly there are minions of satan who think the same of us.
The deceiver will use all it can to weaken you and it has a toolbox full of effective modalities. When I started to study energy medicine, I could easily see how a lie weakens a body just as the truth strengthens it. This is visibly demonstrated through kinesiology. So, the devil, knowing this, will do all it can to get you into either living or believing in a lie for then you are easily controlled and his slave.
The same is true for these energies: shame, guilt, humiliation, fear and anger. I remember being very little and could easily see how so called "adults" were manipulating children through all of those means and even at that young age I thought how very sad this is. Those energies contribute to the destruction of our physical being, and can perpetuate illness if not addressed fully.
Yet, at any moment when we decide we have had enough of the lie, we can change our mind and take back our power instead of feeding the beast. We can serve Love and Forgiveness knowing the Lord shall and will provide all that we ever would need. We can set up our free will to serve us rather than contribute to our destruction, and then whatever may attempt to violate your free will can be divinely dealt with as this is a huge spiritual violation. Maybe then, we could see that the real problem is not simply the magnitude of evil here, but rather OUR contribution/slavery to it by living in the lie and resorting to fear out of service to a personality that is ever so temporary and not a true radiance of what you really are.
What you really are is Forgiven. What you really are is Beautiful. What you really are is Love. What you really are is Free. What you really are is Creative. What you really are is Worthy. What you really are is Divine.
Stop donating your precious energy to evil and learn the wonderful benefits of human energy conservation. Instead of draining your energy in a fight with an adversary, why not consider saying "if you say so." Agreeing with thy adversary is not becoming a doormat and it is not admitting they are right. It is essentially the way to stop donating your energy to something that probably is hungry and wants to feed off of you.
Furthermore, start believing the truth about yourself and get on your own side. There is absolutely nothing that you could have done or has been done to you that would make God stop loving you. NOTHING. But maybe you have WRONGLY accused and judged yourself and thus resorted to living in the lower vibrations of guilt, shame, fear and humiliation. This does not serve you and it does not serve God. Get up. Get up and dust yourself off right now and know WHO YOU ARE. Without any need or seeking for external validation. It's not needed when one knows and accepts who they really are. Realize that it is ONLY the opinion of God that matters most and that his opinion is always going to be expressed from a foundation of Divine Love for you.
Nature does not judge. Man does.
Temet Nosce. Then you will truly know Freedom.
Beautiful Souls You are Greatly Loved!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Illusions of Protection
In today’s world, there are
these illusions of protection all over the place just waiting to wiggle their
way into the minds that have been taken hostage. If one thinks that they are protected because
they have money, access to privileged knowledge, your doctor, a police force,
military, a bad ass brother or connections to the mafia then it is certain that
you are not in understanding of where and how real Divine Protection is
obtained and then utilized. And it is
likely that you suffer greatly for it.
First and foremost there is
NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING outside of your living in alignment with God and
the Lord that will protect you. We, as
humans, tired ourselves out endlessly trying to subvert Nature and keep
everything “in control” which happens as a result due to not casting the burden
and therefore living in violation of natural law. For many years I could very well have been
the poster child for the example of control freak. Because so much of my life was out of
control, I compensated by trying to control all that I could. This made me very sick, sad and living in survival
mode, losing more hope by the day with my life experiences validating all of
Casting the burden daily
requires our devotion to this process and FAITH that it will all be taken care
of. Honestly, I feel that I am at a
point in my life where I have no choice but to cast the burden and walk by
FAITH and not by SIGHT. Your eyes will
deceive you, and know this: there are
beings here that know you are easily fooled by the appearance of IMAGES. But when one wakes up and takes heed that no
one deceives them, they begin to see things as they really are. So many today are still so easily deceived
and they suffer greatly for it.
A popular area of where most
are easily deceived by illusions of protection is in the vaccination
process. Nature has given us all immune
systems, that end up getting highly ABUSED by poor lifestyle choices as well as
environmental toxins and then we wonder why they don’t work at protecting us
when they need it to as they feed themselves with all sorts of insults to
humanity that is marketed as food and do not eat a predominantly wholefood
natural diet, get enough fresh air and exercise, resolve stressors and toxic
people from their life and the like. NO,
what most choose to do is COMPENSATE for the fact that they refuse to do the personal
inner work as well as modify their poor eating and living habits that were
destructively chipping away at their immune systems and then those same foolish
beings expect that ALL need to compensate for their ignorance.
I personally will not have it. Only when those who THINK they are in any position
to mandate a vaccination on the personal property of my body have complied with
eating a whole food diet for at least ten years, practiced living in harmony
with nature rather than in violent opposition to it, cleared out their ancestral baggage and have given up their
fear of catching something (which is really the result of NOT living life
correctly, whether this is conscious or not) I would consider alternatives,
such as homeopathic vaccination, which has had more success than traditional
health care ever has. Why else would the
AMA attack it, as it is a threat to the illusion they like to keep people
ensnared in and then can profit off of more easily?
However, I think it is also
important for one to note, that at NO TIME am I ever violating the free will of
others to consider and participate in the choice to vaccinate. Along the
same vein, one should not feel they can violate mine by mandating what I
personally consider to be in opposition with Nature and Life. I don’t see the wild animals all running off
to their docs to be jabbed with toxins and then feeling (falsely so) that they
are protected. Furthermore, there is no
genuine, unbiased proof in the protection supposedly created.
This is one of the
presently hotly debated topics where all kinds of immature, name calling from
those who choose to vaccinate call those who do not “anti-vaxers” and the like,
some even going so far as to try and label them in the same line as
terrorists. I find it interesting no one
is getting arrested for parental neglect by allowing their kid to have soda,
sugar, aspartame, MSG and the like and yet feel all kinds of animosity towards
those who choose to not vaccinate. Yet
again, we are being presented with an opportunity to see what division instead
of UNITY will do: it breeds a prime energetic zone for evil to feed off
of. I personally don’t feel animosity
towards those who choose to partake in this, and I do not allow any labels
thrown at my choice to not participate affect my reality. Ignorance soon takes care of itself. In addition, when one lives in fear of
catching something, this will become their belief and their life will validate
that experience.
So maybe then the best
course of action here is not the mandating of vaccinations, but rather the
resolution and release of the fear and the application of personal change to
one that is more within the alignment of Nature and not an insult to the human immune system. Nature is not to ever be outdone. When plaques and such things arise, it is only
nature’s way of attempting to balance things out within a species. The misperception that a disease has been “eradicated”
by a vaccination is one of the biggest lies on this planet. By the consent to participate in this
activity, Nature will only counter with the creation of more virulent organisms
in compensation for human interference.
This is only one example of an illusion of protection
that I chose as it seems to be hotly debated right now. One would be better served
if they did the personal work necessary to get their minds out of the hostage
situation they have been ensnared in and line up with the LORD. Then the illusions fall away, truth replaces
fear and life becomes harmonious. Not a fairy tale life where one may never fall ill, but one where if one does, they have a healthy immune system to help you out.
What other illusions can
you identify in your life right now, and how might you go about correcting
You are greatly loved!
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Snares of the Devil
This post will discuss the
ways in which satan attempts to infiltrate your life. Some you may already be aware of, and others
it wasn’t so obvious that it was one of his tools, being that he and all who
serve him are cowards and therefore without genuine power, they had to try to
compensate for that with some very subtle, clever ways to get in and make
attempts at claiming the soul.
First and foremost satan
makes all kind of effort towards getting you to attack yourself. Mark 3:25 puts this into a more clear
perspective: “And if a house be divided
against itself, that house cannot stand.”
It knows that if it can get you to BELIEVE the lies it is sending your
way, you are under his control. So it
will send you things in your thoughts that may go like this, “you are not any
good, you are not pretty enough, smart enough, you will never succeed, you
should have known better,” ect. You get
the idea. Being that satan has no real
power or authority, EXCEPT THAT WHICH YOU GIVE HIM, he will compensate with
instilling those thoughts until you believe them.
Then we arrive at what
Jesus had declared, “It is done unto you as you believe.” Beliefs are not always truth, but you can
make them TRUE for YOU if you believe in them.
So say you believe the lie that you are not worthy enough of love, then
very soon you start experiencing this on the physical level, where people you
have to have contact with validate your beliefs for you. “Have I not said ye are gods,” Jesus
declared. You are all little creators,
walking around with your magic wands in your minds creating validating
experiences of your beliefs, whether they are truth or not truth, for your life. Granted, some of these beliefs become the
major programs of your life. So then,
can you not see the utter importance of dissecting what you believe and WHY you
believe it and then eliminate those that do not align up with truth. The truth of God is always constructive and
loving and if you return to your ability to sense these things, you can use
that as a guide as well. God only lifts
up those whom he loves.
Some may say that they have
had a rough life, filled with trials and tribulation. You may feel that God has turned his back on
you, but this is a lie. God only and forever
will LOVE you, no matter what, and his business is forgiveness. However, if you are JUDGING yourself, living
in self-pity, condemnation, guilt, shame and humiliation then you are causing
your own grief and it does not serve you to blame God for this. You are in violation of the above, and it is
now being “done unto you as you have believed.”
Stop. Just stop with all the
attack of yourself, and humble yourself in the Lord. I can name a thousand reasons why we may find
ourselves in any of those conditions, but I promise you, those are lower vibrational
states which make you easily controlled and a slave to satan. In my own experience of surviving my family
with all of its incestuous, demented beings, allowing them to formulate beliefs
for me that I took as truth (which were unworthiness, self-disgust and that I
should be thankful for anyone who would tolerate me), contributed greatly to me
attracting more of the same or worse in my life. This caused me great suffering for many
years, until I realized I needed to change my beliefs and align them up with the
truths of God. Now, I am living life in
freedom. I do my best not to resort to self-attack,
but rather choose self-love. It helps to
look at all the experiences of life as LESSONS, and I can honestly say that
once we learn those lessons they are cleared and no longer repeated.
Here is an exercise to help
you identify where you may have some work to do:
Items needed: favorite pen, journal or notebook, Bible
Find some quiet
space where you will not be disturbed for an hour. Out in nature is a great choice.
Start to quiet your
mind, take deep, meaningful breaths and with every exhale mentally state that you
are letting go that which no longer serves you, even if you are not consciously
aware of it. Take about 4 minutes to do
this, or longer if it feels right for you.
Now, ask God to show
you where your primary work is found, and state your willingness to see only
the Truth no matter what it looks like.
He may show you your father, mother, grandparents, for you may have
taken on their beliefs just from being around them, and they may not be
truthful ones. Write down anything that
comes to your mind.
Meditate on how this
has contributed to your life experience, more specifically contributed to
giving you beliefs that do not serve you.
Focus especially on where you feel it has kept you in prison. Remember to do this objectively, without any
Ask God to show you
how you can start to change this, and just sit for a moment with this. Write down any guidance you receive. He may guide you to start to feel your
feelings, or guide you towards forgiveness of yourself. Just be open to what God is sending you. Also, remember that if you are “trying too
hard” you are closing off your channel of Divine Connection. If insights do not arrive right away, know
that they will eventually come. Force
blocks the connection. Surrender and
trust strengthen it
Reflect on Proverbs
18:20-22 to learn how powerful words are, and how destructive the words we tell
ourselves can be if not aligned with love and truth.
Commit to clearing
out all that keeps you in bondage, and just remain open to any insights that
God sends your way.
Humbly honor
yourself for caring enough about you to partake in this exercise, and then extend
your gratitude to God.
AS YOU BELIEVE. May you choose to believe
and know that you deserve to be free and are greatly loved.
Good for you in choosing to
care enough about yourself to enter through the narrow gate! It is not easy, doing all this personal work,
removing hypocrisy, feeling feelings, acknowledging the truth no matter what it
looks like, but to your soul, it is so worth it!!
You are greatly loved!
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