Sunday, May 31, 2015

Love your Enemies?

Why would Jesus say in Matthew 5:44 "love your enemies, bless those that persecute you"?  Can he be SERIOUS, you may think after briefly reflecting on all the transgressions and violations that have happened in your life.  This must not mean ME, otherwise he would know that what hell I personally have been through is so deep a pain(s) that is too evil to be forgiven is the answer you may rationalize to yourself for not abiding in this instruction.

I know exactly what you mean.  With all the extreme ignorance that I have survived in this life, (and might I add previous ones) with more ignorance transcended every day, I too thought he can't mean that this specifically applies to me.  How is it that he could have the nerve to ask me to forgive and then BLESS those who have hurt me?  Is he on glue?  Were the mule fumes interfering with his thought processes?  Maybe he didn't drink enough holy water for his neurons to synapse correctly.  Better yet, maybe this was just a poor interpretation by the scribes.

Ahhhhhhhhhh.  But thank the LORD that my own ignorance of what was/is really implied here was overlooked and patience was extended to me while I worked out the understanding.  It took about 44 years in this life to arrive there, with all kinds of horrific detours along the road.  But I arrived at the destination God intended with a sound mind that is Sovereign, under the authority of only God and grateful for the GRACE that I live in. 

Hatred, anger, rage, despair, revenge, hostility, and the like are all emotional conditions that are fine if one is allowed to have the opportunity for healthy expression of them.  It is when they are harbored or suppressed, then more added on top of them that an emotional tsunami comes out eventually and it's not usually a pretty sight.  Worse than the first thirty minutes of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" if you ask me.  Make no MISTAKE, there are little evil psychopaths running around all over this planet, there are probably 5 of them within a 2 minute distance from you right at this moment, and they are preying on making you feel those things because they know it drains you and is sustenance for them.  They make it their mission to find your personal buttons and push them as much as they can when they want to extract from you this essence.  Everything here is all about energy people.  Stop paying so much attention to the IMAGES and feel the truth of what is really going on.  Become CONSCIOUS of where you are donating your energy and govern its use wisely.

Back to the scripture.  So when presented with one of the minions, and its now apparent to you that they are in game mode to find a button of yours to push, instead of being provoked, you are calm since you have secretly been working on removing all of your buttons so that there are none left to push.  Now its bored and hungry and it goes away trying to find some other naive soul it can feed on.

What happens though to many of us, is that long after an incident of transgression has occurred, our minds will replay it over and over and the emotions felt are the same as when it was first experienced.  This is an extremely destructive process, and you better believe that satan and his coward self is aware of how you and your mind work.  It's his number one target to use against you.  So with every memory of the violation, you are draining yourself further and feeding the beast.  BUT, when you realize that this is your CHOICE, you then can choose to partake in a thought that will STRENGTHEN you, which comes from blessing your enemies.  This is not in any way saying that what they did was OK.  Quite the contrary my friend.  What this will do is offer you the protection you never knew you had, and it will hold them ACCOUNTABLE for their ignorance as only love can through the application of divine justice through the LORD.  You release the LORD to go about and make all your crooked places straight when you bless those who curse and persecute you.  When you live in this manner, with love, forgiveness and blessing you then are extended divine GRACE that will make your life beautiful.  Beauty comes from TRUTH.

Again, I feel the need to remind you that you do not need to go about doing anything other than genuinely loving and blessing them.  No compensatory acts that they are not grateful for are necessary.  Furthermore, if you decide that it's not healthy to be near this person, that too is your decision and does not affect your ability to extend love to them, as love is not dependent on time, space or physicality.  Do not feel you need to be a door mat, always nice, quiet and people pleasing.  You have a divine right to advocate for yourself.  Unfortunately today, so very many are not in full possession of themselves or their own minds and therefore are not healthy to be around.

So, maybe this week you will afford yourself the opportunity to start working on removing your buttons, casting the burden, blessing your enemies and ultimately finding Grace.  I am here praying for your success in all of this spiritual warfare, and I would like for you to know it is truly worth your efforts.  No matter how ugly things may appear, God is victorious and that means you are victorious. 

Then you will be a contributor to the raising of the frequency on this planet, which is also what will genuinely help things to change here. 

Have a beautiful week!

You are greatly loved.



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