Friday, May 22, 2015

What You Really Are

The coward is always going around this Earth, like a roaring lion, trying to extract all the energy it can from humans because it is UNABLE to generate its own, which is only achieved through Love.  Being such a weak thing, it preys on the naive and unconscious souls who have mostly been hypnotized by the Lie, fall into fear rapidly and become easy targets like baby deer in the wild.  So many souls here are walking around as hostages through their ignorance and violation of spiritual law.  They are easily led to buy into the Lie and have no idea that this world is all backwards until they wake up their soul, take back their mind and exercise the spiritual authority that only Christ can provide. 

Humanity has forgotten that Spirit always trumps matter.  It has fallen into the service of the personality rather than the soul.  Humans, contrary to majority belief, are not at the top of the food chain here, and just as we might swat the life out of a fly there are minions of satan who think the same of us.  

The deceiver will use all it can to weaken you and it has a toolbox full of effective modalities.  When I started to study energy medicine, I could easily see how a lie weakens a body just as the truth strengthens it.  This is visibly demonstrated through kinesiology.  So, the devil, knowing this, will do all it can to get you into either living or believing in a lie for then you are easily controlled and his slave. 

The same is true for these energies: shame, guilt, humiliation, fear and anger.  I remember being very little and could easily see how so called "adults" were manipulating children through all of those means and even at that young age I thought how very sad this is.  Those energies contribute to the destruction of our physical being, and can perpetuate illness if not addressed fully.   

Yet, at any moment when we decide we have had enough of the lie, we can change our mind and take back our power instead of feeding the beast.  We can serve Love and Forgiveness knowing the Lord shall and will provide all that we ever would need.  We can set up our free will to serve us rather than contribute to our destruction, and then whatever may attempt to violate your free will can be divinely dealt with as this is a huge spiritual violation.  Maybe then, we could see that the real problem is not simply the magnitude of evil here, but rather OUR contribution/slavery to it by living in the lie and resorting to fear out of service to a personality that is ever so temporary and not a true radiance of what you really are. 

What you really are is Forgiven.  What you really are is Beautiful.  What you really are is Love.  What you really are is Free.  What you really are is Creative.  What you really are is Worthy.  What you really are is Divine.  

Stop donating your precious energy to evil and learn the wonderful benefits of human energy conservation.  Instead of draining your energy in a fight with an adversary, why not consider saying "if you say so."  Agreeing with thy adversary is not becoming a doormat and it is not admitting they are right.  It is essentially the way to stop donating your energy to something that probably is hungry and wants to feed off of you.

Furthermore, start believing the truth about yourself and get on your own side.  There is absolutely nothing that you could have done or has been done to you that would make God stop loving you.  NOTHING.  But maybe you have WRONGLY accused and judged yourself and thus resorted to living in the lower vibrations of guilt, shame, fear and humiliation.  This does not serve you and it does not serve God.  Get up.  Get up and dust yourself off right now and know WHO YOU ARE.  Without any need or seeking for external validation.  It's not needed when one knows and accepts who they really are.  Realize that it is ONLY the opinion of God that matters most and that his opinion is always going to be expressed from a foundation of Divine Love for you.

Nature does not judge.  Man does.     

Temet Nosce.  Then you will truly know Freedom.  

Beautiful Souls You are Greatly Loved! 



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