Sunday, May 17, 2015

Snares of the Devil

This post will discuss the ways in which satan attempts to infiltrate your life.  Some you may already be aware of, and others it wasn’t so obvious that it was one of his tools, being that he and all who serve him are cowards and therefore without genuine power, they had to try to compensate for that with some very subtle, clever ways to get in and make attempts at claiming the soul.

First and foremost satan makes all kind of effort towards getting you to attack yourself.  Mark 3:25 puts this into a more clear perspective:  “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”  It knows that if it can get you to BELIEVE the lies it is sending your way, you are under his control.  So it will send you things in your thoughts that may go like this, “you are not any good, you are not pretty enough, smart enough, you will never succeed, you should have known better,” ect.  You get the idea.  Being that satan has no real power or authority, EXCEPT THAT WHICH YOU GIVE HIM, he will compensate with instilling those thoughts until you believe them.
Then we arrive at what Jesus had declared, “It is done unto you as you believe.”  Beliefs are not always truth, but you can make them TRUE for YOU if you believe in them.  So say you believe the lie that you are not worthy enough of love, then very soon you start experiencing this on the physical level, where people you have to have contact with validate your beliefs for you.  “Have I not said ye are gods,” Jesus declared.  You are all little creators, walking around with your magic wands in your minds creating validating experiences of your beliefs, whether they are truth or not truth, for your life.  Granted, some of these beliefs become the major programs of your life.  So then, can you not see the utter importance of dissecting what you believe and WHY you believe it and then eliminate those that do not align up with truth.  The truth of God is always constructive and loving and if you return to your ability to sense these things, you can use that as a guide as well.  God only lifts up those whom he loves. 

Some may say that they have had a rough life, filled with trials and tribulation.  You may feel that God has turned his back on you, but this is a lie.  God only and forever will LOVE you, no matter what, and his business is forgiveness.  However, if you are JUDGING yourself, living in self-pity, condemnation, guilt, shame and humiliation then you are causing your own grief and it does not serve you to blame God for this.  You are in violation of the above, and it is now being “done unto you as you have believed.”  Stop.  Just stop with all the attack of yourself, and humble yourself in the Lord.  I can name a thousand reasons why we may find ourselves in any of those conditions, but I promise you, those are lower vibrational states which make you easily controlled and a slave to satan.  In my own experience of surviving my family with all of its incestuous, demented beings, allowing them to formulate beliefs for me that I took as truth (which were unworthiness, self-disgust and that I should be thankful for anyone who would tolerate me), contributed greatly to me attracting more of the same or worse in my life.  This caused me great suffering for many years, until I realized I needed to change my beliefs and align them up with the truths of God.  Now, I am living life in freedom.  I do my best not to resort to self-attack, but rather choose self-love.  It helps to look at all the experiences of life as LESSONS, and I can honestly say that once we learn those lessons they are cleared and no longer repeated.

Here is an exercise to help you identify where you may have some work to do:

Items needed:  favorite pen, journal or notebook, Bible

1.      Find some quiet space where you will not be disturbed for an hour.  Out in nature is a great choice.
2.      Start to quiet your mind, take deep, meaningful breaths and with every exhale mentally state that you are letting go that which no longer serves you, even if you are not consciously aware of it.  Take about 4 minutes to do this, or longer if it feels right for you.

3.      Now, ask God to show you where your primary work is found, and state your willingness to see only the Truth no matter what it looks like.  He may show you your father, mother, grandparents, for you may have taken on their beliefs just from being around them, and they may not be truthful ones.  Write down anything that comes to your mind. 
4.      Meditate on how this has contributed to your life experience, more specifically contributed to giving you beliefs that do not serve you.  Focus especially on where you feel it has kept you in prison.  Remember to do this objectively, without any judgement.

5.      Ask God to show you how you can start to change this, and just sit for a moment with this.  Write down any guidance you receive.  He may guide you to start to feel your feelings, or guide you towards forgiveness of yourself.  Just be open to what God is sending you.  Also, remember that if you are “trying too hard” you are closing off your channel of Divine Connection.  If insights do not arrive right away, know that they will eventually come.  Force blocks the connection.  Surrender and trust strengthen it
6.      Reflect on Proverbs 18:20-22 to learn how powerful words are, and how destructive the words we tell ourselves can be if not aligned with love and truth.

7.      Commit to clearing out all that keeps you in bondage, and just remain open to any insights that God sends your way.  

8.      Humbly honor yourself for caring enough about you to partake in this exercise, and then extend your gratitude to God. 
9.      It is DONE UNTO YOU AS YOU BELIEVE.  May you choose to believe and know that you deserve to be free and are greatly loved.

Good for you in choosing to care enough about yourself to enter through the narrow gate!  It is not easy, doing all this personal work, removing hypocrisy, feeling feelings, acknowledging the truth no matter what it looks like, but to your soul, it is so worth it!!

You are greatly loved!

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