Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Illusions of Protection

In today’s world, there are these illusions of protection all over the place just waiting to wiggle their way into the minds that have been taken hostage.  If one thinks that they are protected because they have money, access to privileged knowledge, your doctor, a police force, military, a bad ass brother or connections to the mafia then it is certain that you are not in understanding of where and how real Divine Protection is obtained and then utilized.  And it is likely that you suffer greatly for it. 
First and foremost there is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING outside of your living in alignment with God and the Lord that will protect you.  We, as humans, tired ourselves out endlessly trying to subvert Nature and keep everything “in control” which happens as a result due to not casting the burden and therefore living in violation of natural law.  For many years I could very well have been the poster child for the example of control freak.  Because so much of my life was out of control, I compensated by trying to control all that I could.  This made me very sick, sad and living in survival mode, losing more hope by the day with my life experiences validating all of it.
Casting the burden daily requires our devotion to this process and FAITH that it will all be taken care of.  Honestly, I feel that I am at a point in my life where I have no choice but to cast the burden and walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT.  Your eyes will deceive you, and know this:  there are beings here that know you are easily fooled by the appearance of IMAGES.  But when one wakes up and takes heed that no one deceives them, they begin to see things as they really are.  So many today are still so easily deceived and they suffer greatly for it.

A popular area of where most are easily deceived by illusions of protection is in the vaccination process.  Nature has given us all immune systems, that end up getting highly ABUSED by poor lifestyle choices as well as environmental toxins and then we wonder why they don’t work at protecting us when they need it to as they feed themselves with all sorts of insults to humanity that is marketed as food and do not eat a predominantly wholefood natural diet, get enough fresh air and exercise, resolve stressors and toxic people from their life and the like.  NO, what most choose to do is COMPENSATE for the fact that they refuse to do the personal inner work as well as modify their poor eating and living habits that were destructively chipping away at their immune systems and then those same foolish beings expect that ALL need to compensate for their ignorance.  

I personally will not have it.  Only when those who THINK they are in any position to mandate a vaccination on the personal property of my body have complied with eating a whole food diet for at least ten years, practiced living in harmony with nature rather than in violent opposition to it, cleared out their ancestral baggage and have given up their fear of catching something (which is really the result of NOT living life correctly, whether this is conscious or not) I would consider alternatives, such as homeopathic vaccination, which has had more success than traditional health care ever has.  Why else would the AMA attack it, as it is a threat to the illusion they like to keep people ensnared in and then can profit off of more easily? 

However, I think it is also important for one to note, that at NO TIME am I ever violating the free will of others to consider and participate in the choice to vaccinate.  Along the same vein, one should not feel they can violate mine by mandating what I personally consider to be in opposition with Nature and Life.  I don’t see the wild animals all running off to their docs to be jabbed with toxins and then feeling (falsely so) that they are protected.   Furthermore, there is no genuine, unbiased proof in the protection supposedly created.
This is one of the presently hotly debated topics where all kinds of immature, name calling from those who choose to vaccinate call those who do not “anti-vaxers” and the like, some even going so far as to try and label them in the same line as terrorists.  I find it interesting no one is getting arrested for parental neglect by allowing their kid to have soda, sugar, aspartame, MSG and the like and yet feel all kinds of animosity towards those who choose to not vaccinate.  Yet again, we are being presented with an opportunity to see what division instead of UNITY will do: it breeds a prime energetic zone for evil to feed off of.  I personally don’t feel animosity towards those who choose to partake in this, and I do not allow any labels thrown at my choice to not participate affect my reality.  Ignorance soon takes care of itself.  In addition, when one lives in fear of catching something, this will become their belief and their life will validate that experience.

So maybe then the best course of action here is not the mandating of vaccinations, but rather the resolution and release of the fear and the application of personal change to one that is more within the alignment of Nature and not an insult to the human immune system.  Nature is not to ever be outdone.  When plaques and such things arise, it is only nature’s way of attempting to balance things out within a species.  The misperception that a disease has been “eradicated” by a vaccination is one of the biggest lies on this planet.  By the consent to participate in this activity, Nature will only counter with the creation of more virulent organisms in compensation for human interference.
This is only one example of an illusion of protection that I chose as it seems to be hotly debated right now.  One would be better served if they did the personal work necessary to get their minds out of the hostage situation they have been ensnared in and line up with the LORD.  Then the illusions fall away, truth replaces fear and life becomes harmonious.  Not a fairy tale life where one may never fall ill, but one where if one does, they have a healthy immune system to help you out.
What other illusions can you identify in your life right now, and how might you go about correcting them?

You are greatly loved!


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